Saturday, January 14, 2017


This is so discouraging. I've been dealing the last couple of days with Julie Forth at the Township and she has been trying to clarify for me a fairly complicated process regarding new provincial legislation. This legislation is known as AODA which basically is in regards to making public websites more accessible to those with certain specific disabilities. It's difficult and my questions have been specific yet Julie I believe has done an excellent job in helping me out. My concerns were due to numerous Minutes of Committees of Council disappearing with the startup of the new Woolwich Township website. While I'm still unhappy with their disappearance, Julie is assisting me to understand what the problems are and how they may be resolved. My first very understandable concern was that the Township were using this provincial legislation as an excuse to eradicate embarassing Minutes from RAC and TAG committees that were on their website. Primarily embarassing I might add to Chemtura Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Environment. I believe I am now past that concern due to Julie's knowledge and communication skills.

It is what happened prior to that that is so disappointing and discouraging. On the surface based upon e-mails received and sent this past Tuesday, the Woolwich RAC/TAG Support person had responded to two of my e-mails with a short response telling me that a few of the RAC/TAG Minutes were on the new website without giving me specifics as to how to find them. I believe she did offer to send me others if I requested the specific dates. Her second e-mail then took more than two days to arrive (ie. Thursday) and was more helpful. While brief nevertheless on the surface her e-mail responses to my direct, polite e-mails to her were not outrageous.

Here is where it gets bizarre. Realize this is a twenty-seven year, highly active and involved stakeholder politely requesting information directly by e-mail from the Woolwich Township Support Staff person involved with the RAC and TAG Committees. This highly active and involved stakeholder has been writing a daily Blog for nearly seven years now focused on Woolwich environmental problems. After my second private and direct e-mail to her at 11:09 am Tuesday January 10/17 she did not respond back to me by e-mail until Thursday January 12/17 at 3:51 pm.. Note I said she did not respond to me by e-mail for over two days.

Less than two hours after my second e-mail to her however an "anonymous" person commented on my Elmira Advocate Blog. I had posted on the Advocate at 10:46 am. Tuesday just before sending my second e-mail to the Woolwich staffer. This "anonymous" commenter on my public website/Blog at 1 pm. advised me accurately as to how I could find the September to December 2016 RAC and TAG Minutes. That was pretty shocking. Then they said "List what dates you want & I (will) see if they are there". What the hell is this??? The stating that "I" (will) see if they are there made it pretty clear to me that the Woolwich staffer was suddenly responding to my direct e-mail to her by commenting anonymously on my Blog! While a little peculiar I didn't over react or confront her about this. It was afterall a helpful and polite comment.

Well... ten hours plus later when all good children should be home in bed sleeping, another Comment appeared on my Blog. I of course was home in bed and didn't see it until the next morning. This comment by its' tone and rudeness may have been fueled by a couple of glasses of eggnog or whatever. It was clearly posted by someone who holds some serious loyalty to Woolwich Township. Maybe even by someone from Woolwich Township who in the past has expressed animosity towards me. These Comments are still on my Blog and can be read on last Tuesday's, January 10/17 posting. Just click on Comments.

I wonder if this behaviour fits in with the Woolwich Township Code of Conduct? I wonder if citizens with concerns or complaints will be dealt with professionally as I was by Julie Forth (Deputy Clerk) or rudely and anonymously? I wonder if the big shots at Woolwich Township even care.

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