Monday, September 12, 2011


1) Mac's on Arthur St. are really in high gear. They were working yesterday (Sunday) excavating and taking soil samples. As promised the hole is getting bigger and deeper.

2) NOTHING is happening at the old Varnicolor site on Union St. Also the M.O.E. have neither phoned, e-mailed or responded to my questions in any fashion. The large piles of dirt remains as does the hole in the ground.

3) Today's K-W Record (page B7) has a photograph and a few words about a strange fire at the proposed Hawk Ridge Homes development also on Union St.. The old house in the orchard was on fire yesterday and whether accidental, kids misbehaving or even more nefarious, this site is fast moving up the list as being very peculiar. Ontario Municipal Board appeals notwithstanding, I suspect that eventually Woolwich Township will be on the financial hook for planning errors or omissions in the past.

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