Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Well! Last night on "The Agenda" with Steve Paikin, he had two interviewees with pretty dramatically different backgrounds. The one gentleman was from Greenpeace and the other was a private industry energy consultant. What was quickly obvious was that both of them were experts in their fields. Amazingly enough I really don't think that they were actually in opposition to each other. The basic premise of the Greenpeace spokesperson was that we the public are not being told the true and accurate costs of nuclear power, and if we were, we would not find the to date expensive green energy to be so cost prohibitive. The other person informed us of what he referred to as Shale gas. This is natural gas that is being found in the subsurface, specifically in the Shale found in Bedrock. Apparently there are very large quantities of this Shale gas available and that it could be a game changer in regards to our concerns of running out of conventional energy sources such as oil and natural gas. At the same time this energy consultant is willing to concede that long, long term yes we still need to get away from these conventional sources as they are not renewable and will evntually run out. He sees Shale gas as being the bridge between conventional and renewables such as wind, solar, bio fuel etc. until they are more available and cost effective.

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