Friday, August 13, 2010


Please excuse the inappropriate pun in the title. This post is in regards to an Editorial in Wdenesday's Elmira Independent titled "Clean water not essential". Our Canadian government has some serious explaining to do. What possible legitimate and appropriate reason could they have for not signing on to this United Nations resolution declaring that access to clean water and sanitation is a fundamental human right?


The good news is that upgrades are planned for both St. Jacobs and Elmira STPs in the 2014-2018 time period. Tomorrow's (but out today) Woolwich Observer carrys the story titled "Region to review Woolwich's wastewater needs" on pg. 5. My concern is that these upgrades are solely for the purpose of increasing capacity ie. #'s of people & #'s of litres of wastewater. In other words are the politicians including Woolwich merely trying to keep the local developers happy or are they actually trying to improve the treatment of sewage effluent before it's dumped into the Canagagigue Creek and Conestoga River? Also security and reliability should be an issue as indicated here in the Elmira Advocate on May 29/10. Our waterways do not need, never ending spills and bypasses of either raw or partially treated sewage.


  1. Alan is it my computer or is there a problem getting on debbies site. Sherrie

  2. It's not your computer. The Cambridge Advocate has been hacked again.

  3. thanks alan I thought it was my computer and by the way I love reading the information you put on here. It really helps me,please keep up the great work. Sherrie

  4. I will never understand the mentality of the harper government. It seem to act like a spoiled kid, if you tell them it is good for us they have to take the opposite stance. C'mon Federal Election.

  5. Is it possible that the Conservatives are worried that Canadians will hold them more accountable in regards to safe water if they endorse the principle to the rest of the world?

  6. An interesting point, and you have to wonder do the conservatives want to be held accountable for anything right now, because even though i would vote against them who would i vote for? Not really anyone in power at any of the partys strikes me as someone i could trust and the green partys latest charade with Goerges larocque just shows me that they are not worth of being trusted either. Harper and his gang that can't shoot straight know that their is little worry about losing an election.

  7. Jimm: Goerges (Georges?) Larocque ? Vaguely rings a bell but I'm coming up blank. I'm curious as to what happened?

  8. With no political experience, just a name as a hockey player, they made him deputy leader of the Quebec wing of the party, a pitiful excuse to garner votes. Destroyed(in my mind) any integrity they had left.
