Tuesday, August 24, 2010


These comments, while pointing out a current and ongoing situation in Cambridge, are for everyone. It turns out that most of the dumping at the Rozell site (610 Bishop St.) while probably decades ago with former owners, nevertheless was done outside in the back of their property which abuts several residential properties. This disposal (dumping) of Trichloroethylene and Trichloroethane should have been seen, smelled and heard by some or all of these neighbours. Next we have a property further west along Bishop St.(not Northstar, it's slightly east) which had abnormally high levels of chemical compounds downgradient of their site. When confronted by the authorities the owner angrily stated that no way he dumped chemicals onto the ground; his standard operating practice for years was to dump the waste chemicals down the drain, diluted with lots of water!. Whether this was the storm sewer or sanitary sewer they would all end up in the nearby Grand River. Again dumping however it's done, isn't invisible. Right now and for the past decades this community have been paying the health price for the greed and stupidity of the few. Our politicians do the public no good by keeping this quiet.

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