Well there were a couple of major disappointments in early 2017 as recorded in the Woolwich Observer and the K-W Record. Firstly Dr. Richard Jackson was replaced as Chair of TAG which was the beginning of the slow descent into the environmental abyss. Less important possibly than Dr. Jackson's world class reputation versus Tiffany Svensson's (new Chair) was her apparent willingness to follow orders. Misplaced orders, stupid orders, orders that were NOT in the public interest. These orders would have come from Mayor Shantz who knows less than nothing on this file. She likely took her orders from Lanxess Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Environment. This was the beginning of the end as TAG basically became a cheerleader for Lanxess and their consultants GHD.
The second gross failure had to do with Election Act charges being dropped against councillor Scott Hahn. Of all the pathetic financial reports filed by incompetent councillors (Hahn, Shantz & Bauman) his were the most blatantly false. My goodness he didn't really even try. It was as if someone at Woolwich whispered in his ear "These reports are for show only. Nobody pays attention to them. Write whatever your little heart desires." Thus he did and they were a disaster.
Then of course it was excuses time and even there he messed up. Paperwork came and went, alleged documents didn't back up his story and more. Through it all MECAC (Municipal Elections ACT Committee) showed their true pro politicians' colours and the courts while admitting that a conviction was likely decided to drop everything. I certainly would have suggested that of the three idiot councillors involved, Scott receive the mildest penalty simply because it was his very first election and he was inexperienced nevertheless a message needed to be sent that these financial reports are important and must be treated accordingly. The Municipal Elections Act (MEA) was treated contemptuously and the lack of enforcement reinforced that politicians are above the law. A very bad show.
you are correct "they" are in charge and "they" retained her and she (the tool) does what she is retained to do!