Tuesday, January 7, 2025


I do not believe that either the Liberals or the Conservatives hold the public interest as their first priority.  Perhaps the NDP or the Greens do but the proof is in the pudding which means giving them a shot at power i.e. governing. I think after a term or two in office there would be less speculation and wishful thinking and more objective data as to where those parties priorities are. Maybe we would be pleasantly surprised and maybe we would shrug our shoulders and say "same old", "same as the Liberals or same as the Conservatives".  I really don't know.

The Liberal party are not as bad as Pollievre would have us believe. The carbon tax is actually a proven economic stimulus that helps decision makers move somewhat in a green direction.  Environmentally the Liberals are still subsidizing the oil & gas industry but the Conservatives will continue to do that until the last barrel of oil is extracted or the planet has burned to a crisp.  The real nail in the Liberal party for me is their willingness to scapegoat honest citizens who have followed the laws of the land whether in pursuit of recreational or competitive target shooting or those who legally hunt whether for ducks, geese or deer and moose etc. Literally via Order in Council (Cabinet decision) versus parlimentary legislation they have tied up hundreds of thousands to millions of firearms preventing citizens who have broken zero laws from using their own legally purchased property. At the same time the Liberals have not offered a nickel in promised compensation for these firearms to their lawful owners in the past five years. A government behaving like that desperately needs to f*&#% off and go sit in political purgatory for several years at least. 

Ideally I could live with a minority government consisting of Conservatives, NDP and Greens. If you like Doug Ford here in Ontario go ahead and hope for a majority Conservative win. You'll have lots of time down the road to regret that. 

My favourite joke is that politicians are like diapers and need to be changed often and for the same reasons  i.e. they are full of ...


  1. DEMOCRACY and ELECTIONS ; most often its 51 % that make slaves of the other 49% BUT this upcoming FEDERAL ELECTION will be a landslide mega majority for the Canadian "Blue Team" even though they are far from perfect.. The "ORANGE TEAM" has been completely betrayed and turned inside out by their own leader who is a real smart Liberal Marxist. Meanwhile and always we must/should focus on the useless (and the WOKE) overpaid "officials" and bureaucrats that are bankrupting and ruining everything for everyone and who are always around and hard to get rid of no matter what ever happens electorally. If nothing gets fixed soon we may have to all sell our homes and or our businesses and cash in retirements , give the cash to the lawyers and accountants for "safekeeping" and then all become 99% communists...oh that so called utopia would really work out well for everyone/// NOT!!! We the people who love to do our work and live our lives and be good and be free, are surrounded by those who discriminate against us and DO NOTHING but take, take and take! WHAT DO "they" EXPECT? a thank you?

  2. Doug Ford is an anomaly, almost like he is not a Liberal or Conservative or NDP. Is he smart or is he stupid? He won against large odds twice and he has the absolute strangest ways and yet he gets along with the Liberals and the NDP better than any other provincial or Federal leader. Hey what can I say, he is the best blower/sucker in Canada to be sure. On the other hand we could always cave in and hand everything over to the fake COMMUNISTS! just like VENUSUELA did. Even more scary China plans longterm and they desperately must have A LOT OF LAND real soon somewhere, ANYWHERE!
