Tuesday, April 23, 2024



This would be based upon the entire picture including the amount of pollution versus the amount of bullsh*t going along with it.  In other words a polluter with larger volumes being discharged might not rank quite as high as a modest polluter immersed however in massive bullsh*t. 

One such example of massive bullsh*t  are the polluters spending time and some money with elaborate CAPS or Citizen Public Advisory Committees. Now although we have horrific environmental bullsh*t throughout Woolwich Township and Elmira, that is not all. In fact we have massive horsesh*t as well, literally all over the roads. This is after all Elmira, Ontario home of a large Old Order Mennonite population whose transportation is primarily horses and buggies. I wonder why cattle (i.e. bulls) take such a bad rap (i.e. bullsh*t) when rarely if ever do I hear the term (horsesh*t) here. I think that that might be discriminatory.    

Regardless there is yet another point. Are all CAPS necessarily bad? Perhaps a Cap by any other name is. Examples abound locally including UPAC, sometimes past CPACs and most certainly RAC, TAG and the latest pig with lipstick namely TRAC.  But what about the Sulco Cap here in town? From everything I;ve heard it is actually the real deal. Sulco (i.e. CCC) ownership/management apparently do not lie or deceive their Cap members. They do not treat local citizens with contempt. They honestly attempt to answer all questions.

The Lanxess Cap claims to only deal with current events not past ones.  That is a lie as they to date refuse to discuss the ongoing Risk Assessment of the Canagagigue Creek. That alone is good reason why Dr. Holt should not be still on that Cap. It is also good reason why he should not be enticing other local citizens to join that Cap.

Similarly Sebastian should have resigned long ago from TAG as he claimed he would. He is now on the new TRAC which is simply a conglomeration of the old, failed RAC and TAG members. TRAC is simply a rebranding of one of the grossest examples of perverted public consultation possible (RAC & TAG) and honest, sincere individuals should not tarnish their name by being on it nor should they give TRAC credibility it does not deserve based upon who manufactured it (Woolwich, Lanxess, Sandy & David)  and who most of the members are (Lanxess fellow travellors). 

I believe that all this Lanxess public relations effort should be rewarded with a Master Polluter designation.


  1. I agree; Sebastian should resign, he has liberally and literally gone along with the greenwashing agenda because unlike Mr. Marshall he has not effectively stood his ground on what he knows are critical issues. I would even go one step further and state that Dr Holt is ineffective advocate because he is also too liberal and does not stay focused on the key critical issues and is also to politically motivated. So Mr Marshall is clearly the original advocate for the people and our drinking water that is truthful and relevantly educated and unfortunately the only actual effective advocate that is relevant and still left standing while all the others are on their knees.

  2. as good old Mr Robert Verdun would say, "Fox's have been put In Charge of the Henhouse" and it's still true as it was 20 years ago. The lame ducks are those that will say something important and not follow up on the genuine issue. Yes now we have wolves and foxes in charge of the henhouse and the sheep.
