Friday, December 15, 2023


 Yesterday I wrote here about the article and Opinion piece in the Waterloo Region Record regarding Regional Council's budget approval process. I also took shots at the amateur accounting efforts by mostly grossly unqualified career politicians pretending to be competent. Today I'm going to talk about the regional police from a different perspective.

We were told that they are having a hard time obtaining new recruits. Wowser what a non surprise . For that you can thank decades of poor treatment of women recruits, harassment of blacks locally (eg. driving while black) and a regional government wedded to the status quo in all things including shoddy police work. Kitchener had their own Black Lives Matter protest walk a couple of years ago with thousands participating. This does not occur without decades of "street checks" and now illegal "carding". Guess who got street checked and carded way out of proportion to their numbers? Yup blacks! Guess who get stopped excessively for spurious reasons while driving? Blacks again.

So let's try to figure this out. Waterloo Regional Police from the top down are racist and sexist and now they can't seem to get applicants to be police officers almost starting with a six figure annual income. Lots of unemployment, lots of under employment and they can't even get applicants. At one time my son was seriously interested in being a police officer. Then he met an as#hole cop on Arthur St. in Elmira throwing his weight around. My son does not back down to bullies whether in uniform or not and called out the officer for his behaviour. That interaction with a pig convinced my son that he did not wish to join the biggest street gang (police) around. I will balance this with my personal experiences with local police as an older, white male. The street cops I have met have treated me well and professionally. Zero problems there but senior administrative police are a different breed. They are petty politicians looking to enhance their influence and authority. They do this by taking improper requests for action against parents from the likes of the Waterloo Region District School Board. They aid and abet harassment and bullying of parents by the Board. Shame on them.

So the WRPS can't find applicants. It serves them right. Meanwhile as taxpayers and as per Luisa D'Amato of the Record lets stop paying salaries to the Waterloo Regional Police Services for cops that they do not have and can not hire. 

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