CPAC wanted a meeting with Woolwich Council to discuss the failure of RAC & TAG over the last eight years. In fact RAC has been beyond useless the entire time whereas TAG has not. The first fifteen months of TAG's tenure (Sept.2015-Dec. 2016) TAG performed reasonably well despite their Elmira inexperience and lack of knowledge. Dr. Richard Jackson was their Chair and he had a wealth of experience both north and south of the border. He quickly took the measure of the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conestoga Rovers and Chemtura. Overall he found their handling of the Elmira cleanup to be shoddy and amateurish (my words). His words were and are both in the TAG Minutes between Sept. 2015 and December 2016 as well as in the Elmira Advocate Blog, usually the morning after a public TAG meeting. Some of those Minutes are still on-line, others possibly not. I have many printed out and frankly his criticisms and words towards those running the Elmira cleanup were often harsher than mine. After about a year he realized that TAG members simply didn't have the necessary fortitude to take next steps (Environmental Commissioner, media campaign etc.) and he handed in his resignation as Chair. It may or may not be speculation about any further reasons or pressures causing his resignation.
I have looked at and listened to RAC and TAG public meetings for the last eight years. Some of the topics have been worthwhile, others not. TAG in particular do not permit verbal Delegations much less any comments or questions from the public. That is both disgraceful and idiotic if the purpose is to learn about the contamination and or to educate and inform the public. Quite frankly despite individual knowledgeable persons on TAG, by far the most knowledgeable members of the public have been kept at arms length for eight years much to the shame of the Woolwich Township liars who orchestrated the removal of CPAC in 2015 along with Sandy Shantz and Mark Bauman's disgraceful leadership.
In speaking to Woolwich Council about RAC & TAG uselessness I would focus on four areas of gross failure. These are the UACTS (Upper Aquifer), the Municipal Aquifers (drinking water aquifers) 2028 failure, the Stroh Drain, Ditch & Berm and how blatantly Lanxess lied to TAG in order to avoid proper investigation of this major off-site route of flowing liquid contaminants and lastly the self-serving, beyond hopeless, psuedo science and error riddled Risk Assessment of the Canagagigue Creek. Dr. Jackson in 2016 accurately predicted the results of any such Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment done by Lanxess, CRA/GHD and the Ont. Min. Of Environment. .
This new Woolwich Council , just like past councils have been indoctrinated by a conspiracy of self-serving politicians both municipal, regional and provincial who have never wanted to admit the difficulties of properly restoring the Canagagigue Creek which flows into the Grand River nor fully restoring the Elmira Aquifers to drinking water standards and then keeping them there. This has all been music to the ears of the local, corporate polluters including Uniroyal Chemical and successors. It has proven to be much easier to lie to the public than to pull cleanup dollars either from the dirty polluter or from government coffers.
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