I really doubt that there are. Back around 2016 they sent a knowingly false letter to residents living on farms along the downstream Canagagigue Creek. They claimed that the toxic contaminant levels were decreasing when they weren't based on the latest information. Woolwich Township asked them to install warning signs along the Creek to the effect not to eat any fish that were caught. The MOE/MECP refused. TAG voted in favour of requesting the MOE/MECP to rewrite the letter they sent to residents this time indicating that toxins such as DDT and dioxins/furans were still present at concerning levels. Again the MOE/MECP refused.
This same Ontario Ministry has stood back and allowed the polluter and their consultants to constantly minimize the extent of downstream contamination via numerous means. These include shovel samples versus core samplers being used to collect sediments in the bottom of the Creek as well as the convenient and self-serving use of high Method Detection Limits in order to increase Non-Detects of Lindane and DDT compounds.
Finally the MOE/MECP themselves check for concentrations of Persistent Organic Pollutants (dioxins/DDT/PCBs etc.) in fish tisues from parts of the fish least likely to have the highest concentrations (fillets vs. fatty areas & the liver). Just speculating but do any senior MECP personnel have homes or cottages way out of their financial means? Are any senior MECP personnel able to financially send their children to world class, prestigious universities? Lastly are either the Liberal or Conservative party receiving large sums of donations to their political cause from Lanxess Canada ?
All these are questions that need to be asked and answered based upon the MECP's decades long behaviour towards Uniroyal/Crompton/Chemtura/Lanxess Canada in Elmira, Ontario.
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