Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Yes courtesy of both Conservative and Liberal governments, Ontario is indeed "open for business". Quoting Richard Clausi "When all was said and done, more was said than was done." This is the reality in Ontario and likely most of the rest of Canada. Our politicians and governments are the biggest liars and hypocrites possible. An expression I've often used is that we the citizens here in Elmira were promised the Cadillac cleanup but only received the Volkswagon cleanup. In fact what the politicians and bureaucrats beneath them do is promise the sun, the moon and the stars to the victims of environmental disasters with full knowledge beforehand that they are going to do the absolute minimum cleanup possible. How do they know this ahead of time? They know this because they've been sitting down with the offending business/industry; days, weeks, months and sometimes even years in advance discussing steps to mitigate potential, upcoming disasters such as Elmira (Uniroyal/Varnicolor/Nutrite & others), Walkerton, Grassy Narrows, Shanley St. (Kitchener), Canadian General Tower and Norstar Aerospace in Cambridge. ...................................................................................................................... The reason that politicians and Ministry (Environment) bureaucrats promise us everything in the early days of a crisis is because we the citizens are angry and looking for whom to blame. They lie about how much prior knowledge they had. They lie about how much cleanup they are going to do. They lie shamelessly using expressions such as "world class" cleanups and "top, independent" environmental consultants. Then they lie about public consultation. Oh yes they say this is a huge public interest issue that must be discussed on an ongoing basis with all stakeholders. The lying filth. Or as Richard again has often said "If you want to give the impression that you are addressing a matter then form a committee." The reality is that committees are where serious issues go to die. Susan Rupert knew this in Elmira thirty years ago. She was extremely leery of APT Environment sitting down with Uniroyal Chemical, the Ministry of Environment and others. She was especially leery of this happening in private meetings as was originally suggested. She knew that these committees both upfront and behind the scenes would be filled with world class manipulators. Possibly she had no idea that this included world class manipulators from within APT. ............................................................................................................................... Perhaps these politicians and bureaucrats are afraid of public inquiries and perhaps they are not. The older I get the more I understand the depth of corruption within government. They of course prefer the term "influence". This "influence" extends to all of our society and includes the education system, the health care system, the judicial system, housing, labour rights, transportation etc. Basically every Ministry at the provincial and federal level controls rules, regulations and funding to these different areas of our society and of our economy. We even have control and "influence" between levels of government. Our municipal leaders (ha-politicians) are terrified of offending the current provincial government whether it be Liberal or Conservative. Municipal leaders know how quickly they can be put on the sh.t list if they do not adhere to provincial directives. Provincial governments have more autonomy and responsibility but still need to watch themselves in the clearly federal fields of interprovincial trade, international trade, military, federal highways, federal elcetion laws because again the federal government can punish recalcitrant provinces by sending federal construction projects elsewhere including courthouses (some), Canada Revenue offices etc. Health care grants (hospitals etc.) and infrastructure grants can also be delayed or witheld if provinces don't play ball. The entire system is basically set up to control the public and what they know. It is also set up to appear to be democratic, open and transparent. It is no such thing. It never has been and is getting worse. Citizens are promised safety and security of the person. They are promised justice, fairness and equity throughout all areas including employment, education and economic opportunity. In exchange for these false promises they hand over one freedom after another. That too will get worse. If you doubt that the previous promises are bestowed upon all citizens equally then simply ask Black, Indigenous, People of Colour (BIPOC) their opinions on the matter. Not to suggest that all white people are treated equally either. Money talks in regards to everything but most especially in regards to justice. Check and see how many poor people are acquitted at trial for either serious or minor offences compared to rich people. Let me end with this quote: "The law in all its majesty comes down equally as hard upon a poor man stealing a loaf of bread to feed his family as it does upon a rich man doing the same thing." ..............................................................................................................

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