Monday, May 3, 2021


I have long felt that the changing of names of our local producer and seller of Agent Orange and DDT was all about forgetting what Uniroyal Chemical did both here in Elmira as well as half way around the world. Oh and just for further clarification they also sold Agent Orange to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. Similar to its'use in Vietnam it was used to knock down brush and undesirable trees along power corridors, highway ditches and more. Hence Uniroyal Chemical has become Crompton, Chemtura then Lanxess Canada. ................................................................................................................ Leah Gerber of the Waterloo Region Record wrote an article titled "Elmira sets aside 67 acres for nature reserve" for last Saturday's paper. The article is very strongly a feel good, pro environment article which is mostly fine. It is also however a public relations step for Lanxess Canada who are continuing the long held tradition in Elmira of lots of talk about the cleanup that they are legally liable for, a minimum of actual money being spent, all the while hiding behind the cover of process, studies, reports, and decades of delay under the umbrella of so called supervision by the Ministry of Environment with Woolwich Township passive acceptance. .......................................................................................................................... I am sorely tempted to send Leah Gerber a recent New York Times article titled "America, Please Don't Forget the Victims of Agent Orange". It is heartbreaking and Uniroyal Chemical in Elmira contributed to the disaster and humanitaruion crisis there as well as here. How many of our Elmira and downstream citizens have passed away "from cancer" and other diseases with no determination as to whether DDT, NDMA, dioxins/furans or other Uniroyal products contributed? Not to mention also that MNR, Ontario Hydro and MOT employees have sufferred. .................................................................................................................... But hey not to worry, Ontario. Our politicians and leaders say it's all O.K. if in the pursuit of economic gain.

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