Monday, April 19, 2021


The scheduled, virtual RAC (Remediation Advisory Committee) meeting of April 29/21 has been postponed by our very own pretend Mayor (see my April 15/21 posting), Sandy Shantz. Apparently she doesn't think that there are any significant items worthy of discussion to be put on the Agenda. Good God! I think the first four words of the previous sentence may be all too true. Perhaps adding "or care" to the end of those four words might be even more accurate. Postponements like this when there are so many disputed elements ongoing that need to be pushed hard by TAG and RAC, simply undermine any momentum or agreement by citizens demanding improvements to the creek investigation and cleanup as well as to the cleanup of the Elmira Aquifers. Some of these issues, disputed by Lanxess/GHD include improper sampling techniques in the creek (shovel sampling), minimizing the significance of the magnitude of chemical exceedances in the creek, high Detection Limits (MDL). ........................................................................................................................... Other areas of dispute that need to be resolved include the failure of GHD/Lanxess to fully delineate groundwater under the ENTIRE Stroh farm. Both horizontal and vertical flow and even the existence of some deeper aquifers has not been determined as promised. Then of course is the huge issue of the southern half or third of the Stroh farm including the Stroh Drain, Ditch & Berm (SDDB). There has been zero monitoring wells installed and sampled and other than allegedly a couple of sediment samples out of the bottom of the Drain, there have been zero soil samples in and around (particularly to the immediate east) the SDDB. .................................................................................................................................. The failure of the planned major puming well W9, literally for years, is way beyond ridiculous. Instead of getting the off-site pumping going it has been static mostly since 2012 unless of course when it has dropped below even those inadequate pumping rates by Chemtura/Lanxess's own calculations. Also instead of getting the pumping rates where they need to be, instead the Ministry of Environment and Lanxess are negotiating new goals and new timelines for the cleanup of the Elmira Aquifers. This despite twenty-five years of promises that all was well and on track. The filthy liars! ................................................................................................................. Meanwhile Sandy says that we don't have enough for a RAC Agenda. More colourful and odourous .

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