Saturday, April 3, 2021


Well first of all in order to fully appreciate the volume of last minute data/reports dumped on TAG members plus myself the following has been added since I received the 93 page "2021 Comprehensive East Side Groundwater Report": namely 24 pages of a MOE/MECP Response and Comments to Lanxess regarding Contaminants of Potential Concern in the Canagagigue Creek as well as the Conceptual Site Model and 15 pages of Agenda (April 7/21) plus Minutes of the February TAG meeting. To further complicate getting this all read by next Thursday let me add that the 24 page MECP Report literally are MOE/MECP comments on prior Lanxess comments about MECP comments regarding an original Lanxess document from a year ago. I sh.t you not. That's what this so called "cleanup" is all about. Talk, talk, more talk and then the owner of the polluted site yet again privately throws down the blackmail gauntlet of sweetheart deals and MOE culpability for the Elmira disaster. The MOE/MECP long ago should have been removed as the alleged representative of the people. Their dirty hands have comprimised any flimsy chance of their ever being able to enforce the environmental laws of the province of Ontario. ...................................................................................................................... To date I have read the text of the 93 page "...Groundwater Report". Just more of the same we've been treated to for the last thirty-two years while the company and their consultants hide behind the political shield provided by Woolwich Council and the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation blah, blah, blah. A manure pile by any other name smells just as foul. First off groundwater is not the MAJOR issue anymore on the east, somewhat cross gradient, somewhat up gradient and even partially downgradient property known as 6770 Line #86 (Stroh farm). The odd groundwater flow is partially due to radial flow caused by the very high ground (topography) in the extreme north-east corner of Uniroyal/Lanxess. If you have for example a mountain being rained upon, both the surface flow as well as groundwater flow will likely be from all sides of the mountain (or hill). The raw liquid wastes stopped being deposited into Uniroyal Chemical's east side waste pits approximately fifty-one years ago. Most (not all) of the highly contaminated groundwater has long ago flowed off-site onto neighbours' properties as well as into the Cangagigue Creek. .................................................................................................................. The current, real problem is Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) which are hydrophobic and which readily drop out of solvent contaminated waters and attach to soil particles. These hydrophobic compounds include DDT, dioxins/furans, PCBs and certain pesticides and herbicides. Unfortunately these soil particles can be and are mobilized via flooding, heavy rains etc. and in this case leave the low lying areas immediately east of the Stroh Drain, Ditch & Berm (SDDB) and are flushed via the Stroh Drain into the Canagagigue Creek where to this day they continue to be shared with wildlife (and humans) both in and out of the creek. Lanxess Canada and the MOE/MECP know this perfectly well which is EXACTLY why they have refused to do serious (any) soil sampling where I and others have requested. This groundwater report does not address the problem which is a metaphor for the entire Elmira "cleanup". It's all about money, face saving and political power and influence.

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