Saturday, January 23, 2021


Well that certainly explains some particularly bad choices as local judges. Let me guess: is/was Robert Reilly a Conservative? If so that might explain his bias and or incompetence. Did Conservative Ken Seiling back in the day when he was Regional Chair, whisper in Robert's ear? Were there any other local Conservatives whether municipal, regional or provincial who dabbled in local trials of activists or other political undesireables? Oh heck why just focus on Conservatives despite their current federal embarassing ties to sexists, homophobes and racists (eg. Mr. Sloan). Could the local Liberal establishment be involved in whispering in local judges ears about particular cases before them? ................................................................................................... Last November 23. 2020 the Waterloo Region Record published a very important Editorial titled "Take politics out of judicial appointments". I've known for some time that the worst of us ethically (politicians) are the ones who appoint lawyers to become judges. I was appalled when I first learned. Appalled and disgusted. Provincial governing parties appoint provincial judges and federal governing parties appoint federal judges. What a horrible opportunity for honest citizens to end up facing unqualified, incompetent, biased judging. Is it any wonder with all the other problems within the justice (Just Us) system that so many wrongful convictions have taken place over so many decades? ................................................................................................ This Record Editorial indicates that the problem is even worse however. Not only do the governing parties want to know if a judicial candidate is a member of their party but they also want to know prior to their decision whether or not to appoint them to a judgeship, whether they've donated to the party and how much. Have they actively been involved in party politics such as election campaigns or leadership races. As the Record states, this information allows the politicians doing the appointing to know, in this case, "...exactly how Liberal friendly a candidate is." Are judgeship appointments at the federal level simply Liberal politicians quietly rewarding Liberal friends? ............................................................................................... Democracy Watch, a private citizens' group, have filed a challenge of the appointment process in the Federal Court, alleging that the appointment process is undermining the independence of the judicial system. I wonder how many of the judges adjudicating the case are past Liberal (or Conservative) appointees. Has Canada become a third world country in terms of our justice system? Or is the question better asked along the lines of exactly how far has the Canadian justice system been intentionally devalued and broken down from the values of fairness, honesty and truth?


  1. The systems of our society are supposed to be for the people but that is no longer the case. At the very pinnacle of the problem is the fact that corrupt people/leaders are now in the majority and every system is corrupt. Most leaders are now corrupt by their own freewill choices and do not deserve to lead anyone as a result. The main political parties are corrupt in USA and Canada and any new ones are not allowed to even function with all the main parties being opposed unilaterally. All our systems (governments, justice, healthcare, science, education, protective services and yes even mainsteam churches), are corrupt because we the people DO NOT have servant+leaders, the great deception is that these corrupt leaders do NOT work for the taxpayers and citizens, we now actually work for them! These corrupted leaders have by freewill decided to serve something/everything but the truth, justice and love for the people they serve. They are damned! Demonic, not because i say so, it is their damn fault because THEY made their own decisions to serve someone/something AGAINST the people! If you want to know the truth about the real elite leaders please research the so called "great reset"

  2. it is my understanding that lawyers swear an oath pledging loyalty to their fellow "officers of the court" and not at all to their clients
