Monday, December 28, 2020


IT'S A ROAD, IT"S A DIKE; IT'S A BERM, IT'S A DIKE BUT IT'S NO LONGER A BOWL! ...................................................................................................................... An Elmira friend sent me a link last evening to an article in the New Hamburg Independent titled "Experts probe Elmira chemical-manufacturing site for groundwater contamination" written by Leah Gerber of the Waterloo Region Record. Lo and behold when I googled today's Record that same article was in it. So why when I pulled my home delivered newspaper off the front porch was that article NOT in this morning's paper? In the past I have occasionally noticed that newspapers delivered to stores sometimes have additional or missing articles. Perhaps these are different editions or updated editions as the day progresses? What of course would be horribly concerning would be if the Record decided not to include this story in newspapers sent to Elmira residents specifically in order to protect the tender sensitivities of a multi national, multi billion dollar corporation (Lanxess Canada). I will for the moment believe otherwise until I know for certain. ........................................................................................................ The article is excellent for the simple reason that it tells the public that the Elmira Water Crisis is not over despite Ministry of Environment and Lanxess attempts to suggest otherwise. The "suggest otherwise" includes an upcoming new Control Order from the MOE/MECP as well as attempts to induce TAG (Technical Advisory Group) to join into conversations about accepting a cleanup of the Elmira Aquifers that does not fully achieve Ontario Drinking Water Standards. The article is less than excellent in that it focuses on two items that exactly coincide with what Lanxess/MECP want. That is NDMA and groundwater when the real issue on the east side including the Stroh and Martin farms is soils contaminated with dioxins/furans, DDT and other Persistent Organic Pollutants. The guilty parties continue to delay and deflect, skills that they have honed for decades. ................................................................................................................... Regarding the sub-title above I will go into further details tomorrow. This issue shows either an incredible coincidence regarding protecting soil from erosion or more likely strong evidence of the same minds (corporate & bureaucratic) "solving" the identical problem with the same solution. Of interest is that the two "solutions" are the same yet one is on the Uniroyal/Lanxess property and the other is on the Stroh farm to the east.

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