Wednesday, December 16, 2020


What is the significance of the above title? How about the fact that firstly it describes the Ontario Ministry of Environment (MOE/MECP), Uniroyal/Crompton/Chemtura/Lanxess, their consultants and Woolwich Township behaviours. Secondly not a single word above is a quote or other comment from me. Rather they are quotes from knowlegeable, longtime Elmira stakeholders (five of them) who know corruption when they hear it, see it and smell it. All levels of government from municipal, regional, provincial and federal all know the truth and all to date still support the polluter and its regulator's right to spread fairy tales to the public rather than the truth. ................................................................................................. Corruption can be defined as "infected with errors". Personally I'm a little more comfortable with a definition of "knowingly infected with errors" however I believe the above listed authorities are corrupt with either definition. Woolwich Township councillors to their shame have been confronted with honest and knowledgable citizens sharing truth with them on many issues and they still have embraced, coddled, protected and promoted falshoods in order to enhance the personal interests of parties that are not in the public interest. It is the bane of democracies that money buys political power and that truth and facts are flexible. Dear God just look at the example of that pathological liar (soon to be former president) south of the border who just makes up "facts" as he goes. We had a local example of that a few years back in Elmira and quite frankly he was less dangerous to the public interest than normal politicians who pick and choose their lies more carefully. ..................................................................................................... It is not and never has been illegal for politicians to lie to the public. At the same time, these very same politicians bemoan and wail about a loss of public trust. The stupid jerks want it both ways. They want to lie and deceive constantly for their personal gain while wondering aloud why many citizens won't believe them regarding Covid-19. They wonder why many citizens don't trust them regarding vaccines. They wonder why Americans don't believe their government after it told them that Saddam Hussein had "weapons of mass destruction" to justify invading Iraq. He didn't. For decades the U.S. had a war on drugs, a war on terrorism, a war on Blacks (undeclared?), a war on "socialist" governments such as Chile, Venezuela, Nicaraugua. Federally Justin Trudeau has threatened confiscation of legally owned, registerd private property of law abiding citizens followed by an attempt to sell needed higher carbon taxes to the public to slow global warming. And he wonders why Canadians don't believe him? In Ontario we have recently had a series of legislative bills passed with titles claiming efforts to assist in fighting Covid-19 but paragraphs included attacking Conservation Authorities, environmental efforts and even the ability to sue Long Term Care (LTC) homes for negligence. .................................................................................................................. In my opinion the only requirement to be a successful politician is the willingness to lie upon the request of your political superiors.

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