Tuesday, February 26, 2019


These following commitments from Lanxess Canada are found on page 3 of the January 24, 2019 Minutes. They will provide historical imagery to help determine what the "linear features" (alleged Interceptor Trenches) are that show up on numerous maps, satellite and aerial photos. They will provide the CRA report of any soil sampling that was done in the forested area near the "Gap" in the 1990s. They will provide the more specific data of the soil sampling done in "Gap" areas SS-20 and SS-21. In other words I expect to see the raw data of each individual sample prior to producing their composite samples consisting of ten or eleven soil samples combined together which averages the highest concentrations downwards. TAG also requested that the map to be handed out includes the topography from the Stroh Drain area immediately east of the Lanxess property line. As well the borehole log from OW-14 located nearby will be provided along with soil results taken in 2003 allegedly near the "Gap" area.

I am very skeptical that the data provided will be at all definitive. My experience has been that CRA/Uniroyal and friends have been very careful over the decades to avoid sampling areas that they don't want to become an embarrassing can of worms. For example lets see how deep the soil samples are. Lets see exactly which parameters have been tested for. Are they individual soil samples or more of the composite sampling horse manure? Etc. etc. When you are in charge of the investigation there are a thousand ways to manipulate the outcome. That has been my takeaway after watching these self-serving folks in action over the last thirty years.

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