Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Firstly Council are pushing back at Terri Buhlman of the Ministry of the Environment in regards to warning signs along the Canagagigue Creek. Secondly they have approached (useless as a twit?) Member of Parliament Harold Albrecht. O.K. fair enough I too still have the ghost of consecutive Stephen Harper governments in my mind. Especially on their environmental portfolio. Thirdly is Dr. Dick Jackson pressuring them to step up? I've been worried that they would try to pressure or influence him to back off but maybe he's just way too much for them. That he is out of everybody's league environmentally and professionally is obvious to me. Are our Council & Sandy coming to the same conclusion?

The M.O.E.'s position is as anti environmental and plain stupid as I've come to expect. From the first relook at the creek in 2012 I've commented that their testing locations, parameters and timing have been incoherent and unscientific. It was almost as if the M.O.E. were doing their best to test for Dioxins/Furans and DDT but in such a manner as to be unable to come to any valid scientific conclusions. That followed with Terri Buhlman's (M.O.E.) idiotic and premature pronouncement of negligible human risk in the creek may be too much. Is it even possible that this Council have actually been listening to Dr. Jackson's professional criticism of Conestoga Rovers, Chemtura and the M.O.E. in regards to the Elmira cleanup?

Last evening Council said and did all the right things. They reached out a hand to CPAC publicly. They brought RAC & TAG (Remediation Advisory Group & Technical Advisory Committee) reports to Council publicly to update them and the public. Councillor Merlihan publicly thanked them (Sandy & Mark) for their efforts and expressed optimism that progress was being made. Both Mark Bauman and Larry Shantz went out of their way to be respectful and appreciative of my efforts and knowledge base. Last night was a different Council.

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