Friday, April 15, 2016
Last evening's TAG (Technical Advisory Group) meeting was held in Woolwich Council Chambers at 6:30 pm. There was the usual amount of media present, ie. zero. How long are the Woolwich Observer going to neglect their responsibility to the community on Chemtura news? Or in the alternative have Chemtura got you over a barrel? Have you signed your own Settlement with them in order to avoid a lawsuit? It's way past time to tell us why you refuse to report Chemtura news outside of Council Chambers.
I am more and more beginning to appreciate the individuals on TAG. From Linda Dickson, Bill Barr, David Hofbauer, Sebastian (of course), and the very quiet Joe Kelly I am seeing some good questions and serious attempts to understand what's going on. The Chair Dick Jackson is of course incredible. Pat & Susan I'll get to.
In your face Pat and Susan! Dr. Jackson (Dick) made it clear to all and sundry that there are free phase DNAPLS on the east side border. Jeff Merriman of Chemtura demured but Dick spelled it out. DNAPLS are the reason Pat & Susan got me kicked off CPAC back in 2008. In league with Chemtura and the M.O.E. that pair of mental midgits decided that there was not free phase DNAPL on site and that I was rocking the DNAPL boat. DNAPLS are present on both sides of the creek as well as the north-west corner.
Jeff M. again misrepresented the facts by claiming that Chemtura need Mr. Stroh's permission for soil and groundwater sampling on his site. The M.O.E. have the legal authority to order those samples be taken.
The earlier SSRA (site specific risk assessment) done in 2003 was discussed at length. The M.O.E. want to do another one, whether an Ecological or Human Health Risk Assessment. The last one was a totally bogus crock of mathemeatical and logical nonsense. Dick, Susan , Sebastian all expressed opposition to doing it again. Dick's opposition was qualified in greater detail later on. David H. suggested that it was moot to do one with lower criteria as required off-site in the creek than the last one done on an industrial site (Chemtura). We already know that the creek exceeds the former criteria of 36.6 ppt Dioxins in the sediments and the new criteria would be anywhere from 7 to 21 ppt..
Terri Buhlman of the Ministry of Environment is a slug. She is a professional liar of immense deceit and minimal ethics. Without any technical backup she has categorically claimed that there is negligible human health risk for swimmers or waders in the creek. Her letter states that surface sediments are simply not a health risk. Dick Jackson's response is that Ms. Buhlman's opinion "is a debateble point".
Pat Mclean stated that a discussion with the M.O.E. is necessary now as to the rationale for doing another SSRA. She wants the M.O.E. to justify the time and expense of this proposed study. Further indications of the removal from the public eye of all these issues is the so called Qualified Persons meeting to be held at the Guelph office of the M.O.E.. It is to discuss the five year computer checkup to determine if the off-site groundwater cleanup is on schedule. It is not even close which is precisely why this is a private meeting and very well qualified citizens such as myself and other CPAC memebers or members of the public are not invited.
Dr. Dick Jackson repeatedly respectfully named Dr. Henry Regier and his efforts over the years to get the federal government involved here in Elmira. Dr. Jackson would like the same and there has been a meeting with our local useless M.P. Harold Albrecht on this matter. Perhaps our Tory friend will be more effective in opposition than he ever was environmentally as part of the Conservative Party. Harold is taking a letter on Township letterhead to the new federal Liberal government. Dick would like Hadfield Consultants to do a Risk Assessment in the Canagagigue due to their extensive experience with Dioxin Risk Assessments.
Pat Mclean did a considerable amount of crying about the M.O.E.'s bad and disrespectful attitude towards TAG. Oh boo hoo! You and your lying buddies, Susan, Mark and Sandy heaped the blame for Chemtura's and the M.O.E.'s boycott of CPAC meetings on the CPAC members. You all knew what filth CPAC & SWAT were dealing with and now you're getting the exact same kind of treatment that UPAC and CPAC have always gotten from bigger and badder liars than yourselves. Suck it up you wimps.
Considerable TAG time was spent on the Hawkridge Homes proposed subdivision again courtesy of Pat McLean.
Dr. Jackson had a couple of priceless moments last evening. He stated that there will be "a confrontation with the M.O.E. in the next few months regarding the downstream Canagagigue Creek.". Well done Dick. He also advised Jeff Merriman (Chemtura) that if Jeff had guaranteed that Chemtura could sucessfully achieve the 2028 cleanup deadline that he Dick would not have believed him. Wow I like this straight shooter currently chairing TAG.
Sandy Shantz spoke without going through the Chair and contrary to her own rules. What a surprise that is. She claimed that RAC have reported to Council regarding their progress. I then interrupted that no RAC have not appeared at any Council meetings with any updates. Sandy in her inimitable style then said oh well they've been sending their "minutes" to Council members. Sorry Sandy but "reporting to Council" implies in person, verbal and written updates in the public forum thank you very much.
Pat again continued on her hypocritical tirade that the M.O.E. have been holding private meetings with downstream Canagagigue residents without the courtesy or respect of advising Council or TAG. Boo hoo again! You and Susan lied at the April 9/15 meeting heaping coals upon the current CPAC that you pair were excluded from by Council of the day. You've always known exactly what the M.O.E. and Chemtura were made of and now you're whining that they aren't being nice to you.
Finally Dick Jackson emphasized that he wanted Hadfield Consultants doing a creek risk assessment because they were completely independent of both Chemtura and the Ontario M.O.E.. He stated that he would believe their report but implied not so much anything from the M.O.E.. WOW!
In a nutshell I've died and gone to heaven. The M.O.E. are being publicly called liars here in Elmira by professionals in the environmental field as well as being called nasty and disrespectful by other TAG members. This is exactly what the last CPAC and SWAT did based upon the non stop lying and misrepresentation of Chemtura and the M.O.E..
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