Monday, December 7, 2015


While it appears obvious that the purpose of the Stroh Drain (circa 1985) was to drain both surface and groundwater from Chemtura's and Stroh's wetlend/swampy areas into the Canagagigue Creek; that certainly does not prove any ill intent by the owners of the Stroh property. The mechanics of whatever arrangement was made are most likely as of this moment still private. That this Drain located solely on Stroh property, however running along the Chemtura/Stroh property line (ie. north to south), indeed has drained both surface and groundwater has been suggested by Peter Gray of MTE and by myself. Even Jeff Merriman of Chemtura, bless him, has publicly stated at a CPAC meeting that their former swamp in their south-east corner has been drained.

Chemtura's consultants produced several reports attempting to justify their so called cleanup of former GP1 and GP2 areas in their south-east corner. Soil testing had indicated massive concentrations of both DDT and Dioxins/Furans in them. Chemtura's/CRA's claims were that the overflow of thousands of gallons of toxic wastewater from the east side pits (RPE1-5) flowed southwards in open "furrows" directly southwards into GP1 & 2. The problem of course is that liquids tend to gravity flow via the easiest route. While clearly DDT and Dioxins have ended up finding a home in GP1 and GP2, the evidence suggests that the bulk of them are elsewhere. In fact the evidence suggests that GP1 isn't located where Chemtura and Conestoga Rovers claim it to be. Regardless water, even toxic water, finds the lowest area via the easiest route and that is not directly into the location of the current GP1.

As mentioned in Friday's posting, photographs prove that Jeff's claim at the last RAC meeting is inaccurate. There is no high ground running the length of their eastern border preventing surface water from draining off. There is indeed a ridge running diagonally from north-west to south-east which hooks ever so briefly southwards preventing off-site flow to the east in one small area only. The rest of the eastern border is wide open to drainage from Chemtura onto the Stroh property and indeed the elevation contour map produced by Conestoga Rovers so indicates.

No doubt Jeff's renewed bravery at misinforming the public and various RAC authorities is based upon his renewed confidence in an undemocratic process which eliminates input from the informed public. As said several months ago by Councillor Merlihan, the RAC and TAG processes are "cringeworthy" regarding lack of real public consultation or input. That was done intentionally by mayor Shantz and Councillor Bauman. How else do you convince a polluter of Chemtura's magnitude and attitude to come back to the table other than by giving them the keys to the kingdom? That certainly was the premise upon which Sandy and Mark got them back. Promise them everything they want and then beg them to come back. According to some politicians, better pretend consultation than none at all. Afterall it has "worked" for the last twenty-six years in keeping the crisis under control while not remotely solving it.

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