Thursday, December 3, 2015


Unlike apparently our Council who are unable or unwilling to follow and understand two different Woolwich issues in one Delegation, I am today going to touch on three matters.

This afternoon at 4 PM. we have the second public meeting of RAC (Remediation Advisory Group). I expect very little from them but am always willing to be surprised. Interestingly one RAC member namely Eric Hodgins, from the Region of Waterloo, has been attending TAG meetings in the gallery along with the rest of the riff raff (ie. CPAC & SWAT). I view that as a positive.

Chemtura were supposed to be showing the results of their soil and groundwater investigations on their east and south sides. In fact in the RAC Minutes (page 10) of their September 30/15 meeting, mayor Shantz had suggested that she wanted to review the East/South Side Study Report if available. Unsurprisingly, according to the Agenda, it will not be presented. Chemtura/M.O.E. are absolute master manipulators and liars. The next RAC meeting is tentatively scheduled for March 10, 2016. which gives them yet another 1/4 year to avoid the issue.

Once again *Responsible Care verification is upcoming. It has proven to be no more than a subjective, stacked with buddies, cheerleading event here in Elmira. The manipulation of membership and process reminds me of our local MECAC (Compliance Audit Committee) fiasco. Anything Chemtura/M.O.E. or Woolwich Township get their hands on will never be anything but self serving boosterism. Honesty and fact are to be massaged if not outright ignored. I expect Pat Mclean will again be Chemtura's buddy allegedly representing Woolwich residents. What a disgrace.

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