Friday, July 24, 2015


In order to get you to answer the two burning questions above I am going to flatter you. SANDY SHANTZ Did Not SPEAK A SINGLE LIE in Superior Court yesterday. First off she didn't speak at all and secondly when that need arises you simply hire a lawyer.

So did Chemtura donate at all to Sandy's campaign? According to her admittedly horribly erroneous February 2/15 Finacial Statement maybe. But afterall it's admittedly erroneous. She received $1,658 worth of allegedly below $100 each donations. Who were those donors? A full forensic Audit would have told us but apparently the privelege of also being a Regional Councillor exempts one from following the Elections Act and being ordered by the Municpal Elections Compliance Audit Committee (MECAC) to get one. Her five minute "Audit" submitted was not a forensic Audit.

What about her second kick at the can? That would be her illegal and unacceptable do over dated March 23/15 presented to MECAC on July 2/15. Well that anonymous $1,658 is still in there. Plus we now have a box clearly marked at the bottom of Table 1 indicating there is a supplementary attachment for more donors of greater than $100 each. Of course that supplementary attachment isn't there. Oh and of course absolutely no explanation why not because there still hasn't been a forensic Audit done.

Sandy now gets a third do over courtesy of Superior Court yesterday. It's due by September 15/15. Well sort of a third do over. I've had two people tell me that her February 2/15 Financial Statement wasn't really her first one posted on the Township's website. Boy I've got to suspect that her husband has given her stickhandling lessons. Her time at the school board would also have prepared her for a life of deception. The School Board like jail tends to prepare career deceivers also known as politicians.

Judge Broad criticized Woolwich Township's do nothing/nuetral position at Superior Court yesterday. He applauded my intervention on behalf of the public interest essentially because Woolwich Township (Council) failed in their duty to do so. The Judge referred to Counterpoint argument and evidence that was sadly lacking until I came along. Judge Campbell in Mark Bauman's case apparently couldn't have cared less despite my name being mentioned as the complainant in Mark's case.

Jaimie Bennett of Madorin Snyder took his lumps from the Judge as well. Jaimie kept hurling accusations at me including referring to the Elmira Advocate as well as to the "groundwater committee" (CPAC) issues. The Judge repeatedly told Jaimie that a citizen's right to hold a politician accountable is not removed just because he has had earlier disagreements with said politician. Jaimie's lies and bullshit via e-mail this past Tuesday was not raised in court. As I had told him it was untrue, irrelevant nonsense. Jaimie's alleged quoting in his e-mails of lawyer Gary Petker was also interesting. If Petker is blabbing untruthfully or otherwise about a confidential Settlement (at his client's insistence) from eleven years ago then he could be in big trouble. If Jaimie has lied about Petker's mouthing off then perhaps Garry you should sue him, you miserable shyster.

I will be looking to obtain a copy of Judge Broad's Decision. As is par for the course both the Township and Sandy's lawyer will not advise me or supply it when it's ready. That Decision may have given Sandy's job back but at what cost? The Judge might very well expose the March 23/15 smoking gun date of her revised Financial Statement, indicating Sandy's untruthfulness to the public, to MECAC and to the Court.


  1. Well Said, on behalf of Citizens, thank you for holding our Municipal Mayor accountable. Shame on her for talking out of turn at the Mecac meeting and shame on her and Mark Bauman for berating Mr. Marshall for upholding the laws they are supposed to be following!
    There is no coincidence on the very day at Council when Mark Bauman announced "the investigation" of Todd Cowan and the fact Murray Martin, Sandy Shantz, Larry Shantz all had smiles on their faces like they already knew it was coming. The rest of the audience in shock! There it was...How did they already know and what more did they know during their campaigns? Shinanigans is right!

  2. I agree! Of course they knew it was coming and so did certain much more influential people who are even more dangerous to our well being than the St Jacobs and Elmira group. Right from the top down, Satan rules the whole world because the majority of the people in control serve him either knowingly and deliberately or because they are gullible pawns! The time has come for the real God fearing people of this community to wake up. Even those that do not believe in God but value their freedom are no longer all blind to the truth. One of my pet peeves is that our Regional Government has adopted "Agenda 21" as evidenced by their website. And yes our past local council and the Township staff have fallen for it, hook, line and sinker. This agenda comes direct from one of the many worldwide organizations that have been put in place to control everything on behalf of the elite. When these elite get what they want, people that think they are elite locally will cease to be anything but a target for slavedom and depopulation by the real elite. (just like we are) Oh the stupid and gullible people all like their catch phrases like "peace and security" and "sustainable growth", etc. but do you people all want to end up losing more freedom and God given rights? Do you people all really want more government/ and more taxes? Do you really think you have genuine property rights let alone any human rights in this corrupt world? Do you really want people that despise you to tell you what you should do with your property, your children etc. and basically every facet of your life. Do you people not see that the elite of our world already have "solutions" planned to fix your problems? One of these so called solutions is "Agenda 21" The new Pope will speak about it this fall at the UN and in the US Houses and whether you believe it or not he is in favor of world government. Watch for it in the news. For all the middle class, just wait till you find out the truth about wealth and property distribution that is planned under "Agenda 21". I personally hate everything and everything connected to the new world order!!! Wolves in sheeps clothing are at the highest level of our world power and organizations and corporations and so of course we will be dealing with some of their minions and disciples and slaves locally. Division is a tool that the elite use against us to weaken us so they can get more control over us and our property and our families. However as people wake up to the truth they will be choosing which side they are on and it will get ugly until God finally intervenes in the end. Whether you believe it or not, we were all given the gift of freewill and as a result; the fact is, the whole world and ALL OUR SYSTEMS are run by satan because the majority in power serve him. We are in BIG trouble! We the people must be truth seekers as our systems are all corrupt and our leaders are failing each and every one of us.

  3. Mr Marshall, You have cost taxpayers 22,000 dollars to defend your silly claims.

    You are hypocritical. You demand so much of others but take no responsibility for your actions with the school board.

    Careful. Karma will probably come back to haunt you.

    Sandy has way more supporters than detractors. Please let her do what the vast majority elected her to do

    1. Read the agenda, Mr. Marshall has NOT cost the taxpayers anything! Reason is as Sandy Shantz skirted around Mecac. A full audit was requested and if no wrong doing then it was Mr Marshalls dime. Guess what, Sandy Shantz ended up in court for wrong such wrong and terrible financials. Really! This woman handles our tax money. I will be asking all of council how much the legal fees are for the Township's bylaw mistakes. Sandy Shantz had to pay for her own lawyer. I will be asking all of council the exact amount and I guarantee once I do, my speech will be struck from public record. Ask Mayor Shantz yourself all th speeches of inquiry questions struck from record.

  4. A couple of thousand are NOT the majority last time I checked. Mr. Marshall has been a truth-seeker and not a paid leader/servant so far, so unless one is scared of the truth there is little to worry about.. Are we not almost ALL sick and tired of the results of all politics?

  5. We the people have a problem, communism and dictatorship doesn't work. Our modern democracy does not work either because a 51% so called majority can force the other 49% to do their will.

    There is too much greed and pride in our politicians and too much profit and hidden motives in so called public service. We are all partly responsible, some more than others.

    I absolutely abhor that we the people are becoming /have become slaves.

  6. Oh my dear fellow citizens; please let me be your politician, since you are too busy working paying your taxes. Black is white and up is down and 1+1=3 and well I just simply care about you so much, and when you hear a "dull roar" that is just me working on your behalf. I will get paid to be your leader and I will do whatever I want to do ...with no transparency or accountability. I will prop up myself and my family and all "my friends" and " their friends" , I will either crush OR avoid dealing with those I do not care about with a smile... ALL THE WHILE consolidating all the power I can get my paws on. If you dare to question me I will apply to the court using YOUR money and YOUR lawyer and YOUR system to teach you who is the boss and who is the servant. If you are a member of any one of our corrupt systems I will be happy to give as much business as I can so later you will owe me as well. I may even apologize for something if it is my best interests. Even when the truth is exposed and I am rejected, I will go back to where I came from with no regrets! I am such a good person because I do not really hate you... I just love myself and I always will!

  7. Keep up the good fight allan, some of us get it, those that do not understand are sheeple

  8. It would be a lot more honest AND cost effective if we had auctioneers as our officials and judges and politicians, we could bid in dollars and the sheeple could bid with anything that does not bind me intto their bidding...

  9. Citizens I am in awe and humbled by both the wisdom and kind words expressed in these comments. You all have a voice and important things to say. The 7:26 pm speaker in my opinion stands out from everybody else's excellent thoughts for their style and capturing of our system which indeed is corrupt.

  10. Mr. Marshall;
    What percentage of Elmira and St Jacobs voting age citizens do you think are "awake" ? based on ?

  11. You have "awake" in quotation marks. Not sure where that's coming from or what you'd like me to comment on.

  12. From your many years of experience Mr. Marshall, what percentage of Elmira and St Jacobs voting age citizens currently have a working knowledge how things in Woolwich are run (how things happen)? based on ?

  13. addendum to my question of 5:03...maybe another way to word the question would be "what percentage of the people are aware that Woolwich has been corrupt for many years and is more corrupt than ever and run by special interests/agendas/small groups?

  14. Haven't the foggiest. Possibly as high as 40-50% suspect Woolwich are "corrupt" and as low as 5%. Keep in mind "corrupt" has multiple definitions.

  15. Thank You for giving me your opinion. That is pretty well in line with my estimate... bad tax news is on the horizon and must become public (financial debacles) and the 51% will gain the strength and spine to get involved and to do something about it. Kinda like when the hydro goes off...ON THE OTHER HAND literally every single person in this community I have had personal conversations with in the last 5 years or so about our community knows politics=corruption and almost all have unresolved issues and are anxious/worried about ongoing problems in our community. In a peaceful community these people have always been willing to go with the flow till they feel the cost of corruption and negligence hitting home, anything could happen. I certainly would not make a good politician because I know that the 49% (my own friends and associates) would end up all hating me personally! However the way I see it if "they" keep making enemies of really powerful truth-seekers...these 5% super-motivated individuals will seek each other out and become organized and the catalyst for real true changes! Many in our community have the genes in their DNA to be pioneers...if the 5%ers could/would unite with these the earth would be moved under their feet. I am nobody special but what breaks my heart is; I happen to know as a matter of fact, we are all in big trouble, even our enemies.

  16. Mr Marshall. Why didn't you run for Mayor? If you truly believe things are not running properly, then you should have run on a platform to clean things up.

    My sense is you would rather make life difficult for those in office but not courageous enough to run for office and actually be responsible for change

    1. If he ran, I certainly would vote for Mr. Marshall as he would do the job by holding townhall accountable.

  17. Running for Mayor costs money I don't have. Sandy spent between $10,000 and $13,000 depending on whether we get a forensic audit or not. Actually once you add in her mini audit plus lawyers expenses you can go up significantly higher. Also she received many thousands of dollars in donations which I certainly wouldn't get from the same folks who helped fund her. For that I'm thankful. If and when elections like courts are not dramatically tilted in favour of the wealthy, I will run again.

  18. The day is coming when the wolves have ate all the sheep that were welcomed to THEIR house and then the wolves will turn on each other and devour each other for all to see...I salute Mr. Marshall and all the truth seekers...and the best thing that any evil doer can do right now is repent before it is too late.
