Friday, February 13, 2015


Is there a legitimate reason that citizens generally hold lawyers and politicians in less esteem than used car salesmen? If I could think of a better comparison I would because in my opinion the percentage of ethical used car salesmen is probably ten times higher than for lawyers and fifteen times higher than for politicians.

Good politicians in bed with the powerful must talk out of both sides of their mouths. They must constantly be selling bad decisions as good ones to the public. They must be reinterpreting issues so as to avoid the reality and focus on the unlikely. Out of necessity they must discredit honest and good people. Most of it they do prior to any confrontation and behind the scenes. Such as experienced politicians leading a new Council down the garden path.

A real politician must always be in character. No matter how outrageous and ridiculous their position they must continue selling the lie. Win or lose they will always insist that it was for the benefit of the public. For example when was the last time you heard any politician at the federal level admit that the past numerous free trade agreements sold Canadian manufacturing and workers down the toilet and over to Asia?

One of the honest Woolwich politicians repeated the lie he was told, to me. He stated that because CPAC wasn't working the new Council were trying out new things in order to fix CPAC. Do you think that Mark for example would tell this Councillor that the destroyer of our groundwater was personally offended at repeatedly being exposed as a liar by CPAC & SWAT? Not likely. Keep in mind that here in these pages I call a spade a spade. At public CPAC meetings the CPAC Chair appropriately would not tolerate the "L" word hence I don't use it. All the claims by Sandy and Mark that CPAC are rude or abusive are blatant lies. Yes I have little tolerance or respect for Chemtura and the Ontario M.O.E. nor should I. I, however am not a CPAC member and with the likes of Mark and Sandy ruling the roost probably won't be. That is to the everlasting shame of the local Council allegedly insisting on cleaning up their groundwater.

Mark and Sandy are in bed with Chemtura. Whether jobs, corporate donations, tax revenue, threats or other reasons honest or otherwise they are tucked in nicely with Chemtura. Hence on Chemtura's behalf they are attacking the character and credibility of the best CPAC this Township has ever had. This is why over the last couple of weeks I've gone on the offensive, single handedly. I have lodged formal complaints against the township with the Ontario Ombudsman and I have also contacted the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs... . I have also in e-mails and here spelled out my opinion, based upon the facts as I know them, that Sandy and Mark are purposely undermining CPAC both at Council and in the Elmira Independent last week. I find their behaviour cowardly, disgusting and reprehensible.

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