Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Last evening in the Dodie Hummel Room at the Township building CPAC held their Working Session prior to the formal CPAC public meeting next Thursday February 26 at 6 pm.. To date the M.O.E. and Chemtura have rudely, callously, cowardly and disrespectfully missed TWO public CPAC meetings in a row, namely November 2014 and January 2015. If they in their infinite arrogance and environmental contempt miss February then that will make three in a row. Perhaps Mayor Mom (Sandy) might induce them to come by bringing cookies and milk to the meeting. Personally I was thinking of presenting both Chemtura and the Ministry of the Environment with baby soothers. Really all they do anyways is suck their thumbs at these meetings so soothers might actually be an improvement for them.

Henry presented an excellent document last evening which discussed appropriate actions and behaviour needed to validate the Mayor's current approach to CPAC. Note I did not say the Mayor's current counter-productive and stupid approach. While that indeed is the case nevertheless Henry is far more diplomatic and kind to virtue challenged individuals than I.

Henry also presented three excellent documents from both Canada-U.S. Agreements and also Canada-Ontario environmental Agreements dealing with the Great Lakes and their basins. The first document concerns likely strategies had Elmira been designated an area of concern in 1987. tem #4 deals with Persistent Toxic Substances (PTS) specifically including Dioxins and DDT. These are exactly the issue on Chemtura's east side and on the Stroh property. These are exactly the issues that Mark Bauman and Mayor Shantz are currently deflecting with their non-support and indeed attacks on CPAC. Shame on the pair of them and I hope they are enjoying my attacks on them because they will continue until they get out of bed with Chemtura and the M.O.E..

The second document Item #8 refers to "Virtual Elimination of Inputs of Persistent Toxic Substances". Again this is exactly CPAC and SWAT's current focus and incredible success right up until Mark & Sandy's intervention with Chemtura and fellow travellor. This pair with an ill-informed new Council behind them are taking the pressure off of Chemtura and the M.O.E.. Trust politicians to step in, manufacture a "crisis" and then claim they have to fix it. Absolute bullshit Sandy & Mark.

Henry's third document deals with likely strategies had Elmira been designated an area of concern (AOC) in 1987. All of these points would have put some consequences into Chemtura's and the M.O.E.'s ongoing lack of response and co-operation. Once again presumably through lobbying, money, power and influence they and other Grand River polluters managed to sway Regional and local politicians up and down the Grand River Valley to keep us out of the formal Areas of Concern. Politic's filth and dirt never fail to impress.

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