Monday, October 27, 2014


Last Monday I posted in regards to Chemtura's "toilet seat" remediation. This had to do with their pathetic off-site pumping rates as described in their September Progress Report. Further to that we have some other issues with the September report. On page 2 a meeting between Chemtura and the M.O.E. is described as being about Remedial Action Plan closure demonstration requirements. A CPAC member also spotted this prior to myself and neither of us are remotely clear as to what Chemtura/CRA are saying. Or not saying.

On page 3 we are advised that off-site well W5A groundwater is being redirected away from the W3 piping and treatment system and into the W4 pipeline. The reason given is that this will allow greater future pumping at W3 as part of the longterm off-site cleanup. Hmm! Is it also of consideration that the W3 and W5A groundwater did not require treatment in the Ammonia Treatment System but the W4, W5B and PW5 all do? Therefore this redirecting of W5A groundwater is effectively directing it towards Ammonia treatment that it didn't require before. Hence one can conclude that pump and treat technology has again drawn contaminated groundwater (with ammonia) deeper below ground due to the longterm pumping at W5A.

On page 5 and in Table C.1 we find that we have a hit of aniline in the Canagagigue Creek. Perhaps it has come from reduced pumping of the Upper Aquifer Containment & Treatment System or perhaps it is from an uncontained part of the site such as the entire eastern side. Aniline is a Uniroyal/Chemtura signature chemical and was originally used as an explosives stabilizer during the second world war. Maybe this hit of their chemical at 8 and at 3 parts per billion is simply the odds playing out. Normally the volume of water in the "Gig" can hide a multitude of sins but occasionally you will get a hit if you test at the right time and at the right location simultaneously.

Once again this Canagagigue Creek testing all occurs on the Chemtura site and has conveniently avoided downstream testing for these solvents and signature chemicals for decades. This is extremely relevant as we have learned this past May of the bypass of their site via a drain to the "Gig" on their eastern property border.

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