Monday, October 6, 2014


Most recently CPAC & SWAT have received a report from the Ontario M.O.E. indicating a chronology of studies done in the creek by the EMRB or Environmental and Reporting Branch of the M.O.E.. The title of the report is "Canagagigue Creek Proposed Study Design for 2014 dated May 29,2014". They indicate that sampling for P.C.B.'s in the creek has occurred in 1987, 1994, 1995 & 1996.

My copy of the original report by Rein Jaagumagi and Donna Bedard in 1997 shows positive detections of PCB's in the sediments of the creek on the Uniroyal/Chemtura property. These detections are in ng/g which equals parts per billion which are substantial detections. In 1995 there are both trace detections as well as one detection of 120 ng/g. There are several other detections including 200, 320 and 880 ng/g which then have p54. I believe that that indicates which type of PCB was detected such as Aroclor 1254. Other results for 1996 in the floodplain soils downstream indicate results such as 40p40 up to 140p40. Again while I'm not overly impressed with the minimal user friendly approach to their Tables I believe that this indicates detections of 40 and 140 ng/g of Aroclor 1240.

The focus clearly was not on PCB's at the time nor to my knowledge have the M.O.E. released any further test results for PCB's since 1997. This is unfortunate but not surprising.

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