Friday, September 5, 2014


The Elmira Independent has repeated the words of Graham Chevreau at last week's public CPAC meeting regarding the Ministry of Environment namely that they are inadequate, ineffective and their response to CPAC unacceptable. Gail Martin of the Independent also quoted Graham's comments that "we have come to realize that 25 years after finding NDMA in the municipal water supply, we are really behind the eight ball".

Regarding CPAC's request that the M.O.E. update the progress of establishing cleanup criteria for Chemtura; George Karlos originally suggested that it was a bit premature at this point in time. After further discussion by CPAC he relented and advised about a couple of the specific terms that needed to be settled earlier on and that the final report wouldn't be that far away.

Chemtura also advised that their plans for further excavation at of Dioxins and DDT in GP1 would proceed sometime during September. Overall Gail Martin captured the disatisfaction that CPAC have been expressing of late with the Ministry of the Environment.

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