Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Today's Waterloo Region Record carrys this story "Neighbours fear toxic waste". Apparently the identified list of toxic chemicals has been updated from toluene and xylene to include benzene, ethylbenzene and styrene. These are all related and very common hydrocarbon solvents found in gasoline and diesel fuel as well as used in industry as degreasers (solvents). The fact that residents in an apartment building overlooking the construction site had irritated eyes, headaches, dizziness, and could feel it on their tongues and throats is not a good sign. It's basically an indication that the solvents were of a strong concentration in that they could produce those effects from a hundred yards away or so. While a healthy person from that distance would not suffer any serious longterm effects is no excuse for it to have happened to anyone. Elderly persons or those with respiratory illnesses could indeed have serious effects and that is not acceptable. The other issue for me is the accuracy of the data being given the public. Maybe those solvents to date are the only compounds present and maybe they aren't. The Ontario Ministry of the Environment do not readily share bad news. Hence quite frankly I'm skeptical that they've told the public even a fraction of the truth. Their job is to minimize bad news and support the status quo. If the status quo says that our environment is properly protected and that our authorities are on top of all problems; then discoveries of illegal dumping whether recent or decades old does not support that. Also I'm certeily not buying the current claims that only eight buried barrels are in this former landfill. That quite frankly is ludicrous. Keep looking and ye shall find more.

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