Wednesday, May 28, 2014


We have actually been given the M.O.E.'s Work Plan for this summer's downstream testing in the Canagagigue Creek ahead of time. Now of course receipt was by no means early enough to allow most of us to comply with the Ministry's wish that we submit our questions ahead of time. Good try though on that score. I have two complaints on the format of their distribution of this May 29/14 "Proposed Study Design". It was sent by e-mail and many of the Figures are in colour not black and white. Now I doubt that I'm the only one with an excellent printer which however is only in black and white. Secondly many of these same Figures were oriented sideways on the page. My first printout chopped all kinds of info off the right side. So being a smart and flexible fellow I put my thinking cap on and yelled for help. O.K. so my wife has more knowledge (by far) than I do on computers. My bad. Again how many others couldn't download the Figures and keep all their info on the page?

Thirdly there is way too much planned for this round of testing. While 2012 and 2013 could be fairly described as minimalist this year's testing isn't just Dioxins and DDT but it also includes Fish studies. As I wrote on my report WTF standing for Way Too Freaking (Much) going on. Is this just another too many trees to see the forest review? We are about to have 1995, 1996, 1997, 2002, 2003, 2012, 2013 and 2014 reports on persistent and bioaccumulative toxins downstream from Chemtura in the creek.

Mercury and PCB's were found way back around 1995. With an upstream dam (Woolwich) mercury especially might come from there. Will there be any attempt this time to find those sources? As far as Dioxins and DDT we already know generally the source. That would be Chemtura formerly known as Uniroyal Chemical. My concern is that instead of cleaning up Chemtura we are simply heading into the land of neverending testing with each new round begating a need for more testing for "clarification". Also if the M.O.E. make this whole process complicated enough perhaps they simply wish to divert extremely limited CPAC funds to a peer review of this report versus either looking at the off-site cleanup or DNAPLS.

Would you trust your store in the hands of a multi time convicted thief? No? Then why should anyone trust the inherently corrupt Ontario Ministry of the Environment? I don't and that is based 100% on their behaviour at multiple sites throughout Ontario over numerous decades.

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