Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Woolwich Council Chambers were packed yesterday morning to watch the Ontario Municipal Board demonstrate their inherent pro aggregate bias. Whether it's the legislation, the overeliance on bought and paid for "experts" or the particular individuals involved; it wasn't a pretty picture. Once again the informed citizens who do not want this gravel pit located near their homes, schools and beside the Grand River came prepared and informed. Their presentations dealt with numerous weaknesses of the proponent's case as well as downright omissions. They were cross-examined by the lawyer for Preston Sand & Gravel and quite frankly the citizens came off looking like the professionals and the lawyer looking like a shyster. If this had been an honest process the Jigs Hollow Pit would be dead in the water. If Woolwich Council and staff had stuck to their guns the Board Chair wouldn't have had a leg to stand on.

Three Woolwich Council members can and undoubtedly will chirp about the interests of the whole Woolwich community. Apparently saving all taxpayers money by screwing the interests of the minority is how three Council members define community interests. Apparently throwing the interests of the Friends of the Winterbourne Valley and the sixty plus citizens who came out yesterday morning, out the window, somehow is in everybody's best interests. That is nothing but political crap. Mayor Cowan, Mark Bauman and Julie Anne Herteis have screwed up big time. The Mayor has made campaign promises and now he is reneging on them. Bio-En was bad and this is worse.

Environmentally there are two gravel pits to go namely West Montrose and the Hunder pit in Conestogo. Lesson number one these citizens will have learned is this. Yes being a party at an OMB hearing is expensive but at least you aren't so likely to be betrayed and backstabbed by your own elected representatives. Therefore party staus is mandatory which of course requires extensive fundraising beforehand. Why do you think the OMB, the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and the aggregate industry have been so sucessful at these hearings? Add to this the costs of expert witnesses to counteract the industries bought and paid for "experts". This Board like most honesty challenged ones will "weigh" evidence higher from bought and paid for professionals than from honest, informed citizens. Shame on them.

Councillor Bryant has demonstrated her integrity. Councillor Poffenroth was on holidays and his vote wouldn't have changed things. I was backstabbed by the Mayor more than a year and a half ago and I've been trying very hard not to be biased since because I've seen good things from this Council in regards to the Chemtura Public Advisory Committee. I now fully expect three members of this Council to continue to look out for their interests at the expense of what is right and at the expense of the community. That means that any citizens, even those appointed by Council to committees such as CPAC, had better watch their backs. This Council have in my opinion officially burned their good will as well as their own credibility.

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