Thursday, November 1, 2012


The expression coined a few decades back was that the government regulaters had been "captured" by the alleged regulated industries. A prime recent example would be XL Foods out in Alberta. Government inspectors were relying on data sent them by this meat packing plant to determine compliance with health and safety regulations. We all know how that worked out with the E-Coli crisis.

I'm going to quote the last four sentences in an Ontario Ministry of the Environment document I received (and dated) yesterday.


The purpose of the preceding review is to provide advice to the Ministry of the Environment regarding subsurface conditions based on a review of the information provided in the above referenced documents. The conclusions, opinions and recommendations of the reviewer are based on information provided by others.The Ministry cannot guarantee that the information that has been provided by others is accurate or complete. A lack of specific comments by the reviewer is not to be construed as endorsing the contant or views expressed in the reviewed material.

The "...provided by others..." above refers to Conestoga Rovers (CRA), long time consultants to Chemtura in Elmira. "The Ministry cannot guarantee that the information that has been provided by others (CRA) is accurate or complete.".

Funny but I thought that was exactly what you (M.O.E.) had been asked to do; namely verify or confirm the accuracy and completeness of CRA's August 29, 2012 Memorandum. The two page "Review of potential DNAPL occurrence at OW57-32R" was written by Jaimie Connelly, Senior Hydrogeologist to the Ontario M.O.E.. His entire Review plus conclusions & opinions is based on information provided by CRA and yet he can not guarantee that that information provided by CRA is accurate or complete. Therefore his Review is meaningless. His Review is inherently moot. The Ontario M.O.E. are moot. The entire Elmira "cleanup" is moot.

Do us a favour M.O.E and go away. You are as useless as tits on a bull.

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