Monday, May 16, 2011


Mayor Cowan last Tuesday was NOT a CPAC member. He gave my CPAC e-mails to Woolwich Council to show that I was upset with CPAC's "Failure To Launch". These e-mails and my Tues. May 10/11 Advocate posting were then used as the excuse to kick me off CPAC. Mayor Cowan finally realized that I would not sell out CPAC goals just for the dubious "prestige" of being a member. Unlike Mayor Cowan I'm going to be releasing CPAC e-mails written to me and the other CPAC members for a good cause. This I will be doing all week. These e-mails will show that a majority (4 of7) of CPAC members were rightly very upset with the delays and stalling by then Chair Councillor Herteis. This will prove firstly that my comments Tuesday evening at Woolwich Council were shared by CPAC and that I had been working as a team member with them. It will also show that I was scapegoated by Mayor Cowan. Notice I'm not blaming the entire Council. Some of them got dishonestly snowed by others. I will also be sending these e-mails to the local newspapers, K-W Record and Toronto papers. Last Saturday's (May 14) posting here displayed an e-mail written by Lynne Hare of CPAC that was endorsed by three others including myself. Today I will be showing you the readers the previous e-mail from Councillor Herteis as well as Lynne Hare's strong response . It advised Julie-Anne Herteis that Lynne was attaching the letter endorsed by us.

RE: CPAC Meeting Schedule Sunday May 8, 2011 1:23 PM
From: “Lynne Hare”

Looking forward to meeting with you Monday at 4pm. I believe the Robin’s Nest is not an appropriate location to discuss the issues that have been surfacing. This is best conducted at the Township offices .
This meeting would be a good working meeting to set up the may 17th public meeting. It is imperative the public have an opportunity for input into the reverification process!
I have marked the orientation dates on my calendar, in addition I request that these meetings be held in the council chambers and be open to the public so they can hear what the MOE & Chemtura have to say, after all transparency is one of the goals of this committee. A 45 minute presentation is probably plenty and that will allow time for both CPAC members and the public to ask questions.
I have attached a letter concerning the need for the May 17th public meeting. I have added to the Agenda of the 17th that SMT present a list of issues they have been dealing with while CPAC was not operational.
Lynne Hare

From: Julie-Anne Herteis mail to:
Sent: May -07-11 3:50 PM
To: Dr Dan; Ron Campbell; Vivienne Delaney; Lynn Hare; Dave marks; Al marshall
Cc: David Brenneman; Todd Cowan
Subject: RE: CPAC Meeting Schedule To all members of CPAC, Todd Cowan and David Brenneman
Anyone that can make it out is invited for coffee at the Robin’s Nest (Church St. beside Elza’s Wine Shop) 4:00 pm Monday may 9th – this Monday.

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