Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I sat in a meeting last evening in which including myself, nine people were present. Of the nine people present, one had extensive first hand knowledge of the Chemtura site, history and political rigamarole. That would be me. One other had an extensive professional, environmental background but by his own admission extremely limited first hand experience or knowledge of the Chemtura site. The other seven people's experience while extremely limited, could probably be charitably expressed as greater than zero to nil. This is not a value judgement of them as persons, merely an accurate depiction of their current knowledge level regarding Chemtura.

The first fifteen minutes of the meeting were devoted to a monologue from one of these zero to nil persons in regards to process, respect, procedure, milk, mom and apple pie. This same topic was then further explored by the next zero to nil person. Then just to be sure that we hadn't missed anything regarding this fascinating topic the professional, environmental person chimed in. In total this running out of the clock via the horse manure method was very sucessful. In total three people had to leave the meeting before it was done although honesty makes me admit that only two left because of time constraints. Three of the attendees attempted to discuss that for which the meeting had been called which, was setting a date for a public CPAC meeting and nominating two CPAC members to the reverification team for Chemtura. They were unsucessful. I attempted to speak and was literally shushed by one attendee and spoken over by others. All in all an absolute classic example of bullshit baffles brains.

Therefore this evening I am planning on addressing Woolwich Council as a delegation probably speaking on my own behalf only. As per yesterday's article here in the Advocate the Stars Are Aligned. However that lucky scenario is only useful if we are willing to seize the opportunity. I have e-mailed and faxed all the Woolwich Councillors and Mayor, CPAC members, M.O.E, Region of Waterloo, Chemtura, Elmira Independent, Woolwich Observer, K-W Record and CKCO-TV. My advice to those responsible for appointing me to CPAC is this. DO NOT EVER SHUSH ME AGAIN AND ANY ATTEMPT TO DENY ME AN EQUAL VOICE AT THE CPAC TABLE WILL BE MET WITH THIS! Alan

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