Monday, April 11, 2011


This they have done quietly and without fanfare or fuss. Our Council through their reexamination of the Terms of Reference of a Committee of Council have probably ended a long period of undemocratic manipulation and perversion of the democratic will. This can most easily be accomplished by those who talk "process" while cheerfully subverting it. Closed and private meetings of a few, allegedly representing all of CPAC and contrary to the Municipal Act, are over.

Tommorrow night at 6 pm. at Woolwich Council we will know the membership of the new CPAC. Obviously all of the old group are gone. By withdrawing their Applications they can if they so wish, pretend that they were in control. The reality is the exact opposite. Back in 2000, Councillor (at that time) Pat McLean talked CPAC into becoming a Committee of Council for one reason only. That reason was to give her and her supporters on Council, control of this committee. Now we have a new Council, she's not on it and she and her supporters on CPAC have lost control. Boo Hoo! It is unfortunate that an environmental issue of this seriousness is so politicized but there it is. You politicized it Pat McLean; Susan Bryant supported you and now you're crying and whining and deflecting the truth. SOUR GRAPES at it's finest.

There will be absolutely no loss of history with the new CPAC. Yes there will be less than zero assistance from the old CPAC members. As sad as this could be, at least for once it's honest. Give me an opponent to my face such as CRA and Chemtura rather than the so called friend who undermines you and then finally stabs you in the back. There were a couple of old CPAC members who were not of such a character and although they know who they are, unfortunately they still haven't fully comprehended the nature of their past colleagues on CPAC.

Thanks to Esther Thur of the Elmira Environmental Hazards Team (1994), there is a collection of documents and newspaper articles covering Uniroyal. It currently is housed at Wilfred Laurier University. The second copy is owned and operated by me. It is up to date, current and ongoing. Even though I tried my hardest to put the truth forward as a member of the public at the old CPAC, they refused to discuss or debate any of those issues. I look forward to working with a new CPAC who will embrace public discussion and debate. I look forward to working with a new CPAC who believe that input from the public should be considered and seriously debated. I look forward to a new CPAC whose members are knowledgeable enough to make up their own minds and not be led by the nose by two others whose skills are not technical but political. See you tomorrow night!

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