Wednesday, July 11, 2018


The Elmira Independent article was dated October 21, 2009 and the title was "Second source of contamination: Marshall". I presented a Delegation to the October 5, 2009 CPAC meeting on the matter. In it I state that I believe that other companies closer to the south wellfield than Uniroyal contaminated the drinking wells with NDMA. I specifically mention well CH38 near Industrial Dr. as having NDMA readings much higher than other wells much closer to Uniroyal Chemical. Gail Martin quoted me as naming several likely candidates. These likely included Sanyo (slim evidence), Borg Textiles ( more evidence) and Varnicolor Chemical (highest evidence). The article also mentions that I have brought this information to Woolwich Council and staff as well as to CELA (Cnd. Environmental Law Association).

In the November 18, 2009 Independent we are advised that three new members were appointed to CPAC by Woolwich Council. Two of the three were buddies of Susan Bryant's and they turned out to be unremarkable to worse. Only Ken Driedger, pastor of Zion Mennonite Church, was a loss when he was not reappointed by the next Woolwich Council in 2010-11. I had recommended that mayor Todd Cowan reappoint him, albeit unsuccessfully.

In that same edition of the Independent Gail Martin wrote an excellent Editorial titled "Remembering Elmira's water crisis". The following people were given credit for their efforts to assist the restoration of the local environment here in Elmira as well as downstream in the "Gig" namely Alan Marshall, Richard Clausi, Dr. Henry Regier and Esther Thur all members of the Elmira Environmental Hazards Team. One other non-member was mentioned.

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