Tuesday, June 26, 2018


The three lies oops "factual fictions" are in regards to ammonia in our drinking water, industrial dumping in our in town landfills and third and fourth sources of industrial contamination in the south wellfield prior to its shutdown in November 1989.

What I am offering today is simply additional evidence to all the other different evidence offered here over the last eight years.

South of Uniroyal and in and around the former Varnicolor site on Union St. we had commercial pig farms. Yup, pigs. And besides putting on weight, guess what pigs do,en masse. You got it. Hence this site and the whole area has had high urea amd ammonia levels for decades. To this day the new wells required to remediate the Elmira aquifers are being routed through the fairly new Ammonia Treatment System located at Lanxess (Uniroyal Chemical). Deep pumping wells near Uniroyal and Nutrite require ammonia treatment such as W5A/B as well as the on-site deep pumping wells PW4 & 5. One new nearby well (W8)just barely off the former Nutrite site is also routed through the Ammonia Treatment System. Surprisingly so are new wells W6A/B and they are way south on Oriole Parkway. It would seem to me that this is from the anmmonia mentioned from the Union St. area and the former pig farms. Keep in mind neither the Region of Waterloo nor Woolwich councillors want to offend our agricultural brethren.

Woolwich councillors have frankly behaved like spoiled, arrogant pieces of crap in regards to my discovery of methane gas en masse in the former Bolender Park Landfill. As there are a whole whack of technical reports by Conestoga Rovers (CRA) confirming this and expressing concerns on occasion; Council's head in the sand bullshit really seemed excessive even for them. Maybe there's a reason. Firstly CRA not only have produced numerous reports and investigations of the Bolender Park Landfill but they have done the same thing for the First St. Landfill beside the former Transfer Station on Howard Avenue. You can bet your bottom dollar that our municipal usurpers of power and authority have no intention of those reports ever getting into my hands or any other honest citizen's.Yes of course these reports were paid for by you and I but the truth is the last thing our local councillors (in general only) intend to ever share with us even when we've paid for it. Oh and I've just come across a formal Thesis submitted to the University of Waterloo back in the early 1990s which advises that Varnicolor were prohibited from dumping in the (Elmira) town dump because believe it or not their highly flammable solvent wastes caught fire in 1970. Gotta love it! In 1970 could be either the Bolender Landfill or the First St. Landfill. So please Woolwich council stop lying by telling citizens that heavy duty industrial wastes from numerous local industries didn't go into our in town landfills. They went in and they currently are slowly going out.

Wilf Rulansd, hydrogeologist, is not my favourite person. He's got a big mouth when backing a party or two within a public consultation body on matters that are none of his business. His business as a consultant is to ALL the members of the group he is representing, not only to his buddies more closely tied to Council. Furthermore he is not as firm as he should be when being bafflegabbed and deceived by the likes of the MOE and Chemtura's (Uniroyal) consultants. A little more backbone then and a lot less inappropriate nerve and input regarding his clients' internal disagreements.

Regardless of all that, Wilf did write an interesting report to APT back in the day. In the December 18, 1989 "Apt Remarks" he advised that "It is unlikely that Uniroyal is the only source of groundwater contamination, but there is almost nothing known about the extent of contamination off the Uniroyal property." He further added regarding the presence of NDMA and cyclohexylamine in the south wells that "It seems unlikely that Uniroyal is the source because the Uniroyal monitoring wells seem clear of these chemicals. Furthermore, it is unlikely that these chemicals would appear alone in the well water if the source were Uniroyal."

Shortly afterwards NDMA was (conveniently) found in monitoring wells near Uniroyal. Nevertheless Wilf's observations and conclusions speak volumes.It never made sense that serious soil and groundwater testing did not occur at multiple sites throughout Elmira including industrial sites and former landfills. This was because MOE/Uniroyal deals were in the making to save Uniroyal money and the MOE "face". They were already being roundly condemned. Imagine if it was shown in 1989 or 1990 that due to MOE negligence and incompetence that there wasn't one source of drinking well contamination but half a dozen or so. The opposition from the MOE concerning investigating Varnicolor only adds to this scenario. The MOE had to be publicly humiliated through 1990 to get a shallow groundwater study. They promised including in a Control Order to do a deep study. It has never happened. Plus they have studiously avoided sampling for NDMA on the Varnicolr site for the last thirty years while still pumping & treating and remediating the site to this day.

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