Monday, June 4, 2018
So there were two meetings last March namely One TAG meeting followed by one RAC meeting. Those discussions were about the DDT and Dioxin/Furans on the Stroh farm. A month later we the paying public were treated again to two meetings namely one TAG (Technical Advisory Group) meeting followed by one RAC (Remediation Advisory Committee) meeting. Those two meetings were about the latest and largest Canagagigue Creek investigation unfortunately done by GHD (formerly Conestoga Rovers). I wonder at what point in time will the public ask why convicted murderers are in charge of the additional murder investigation of which they the investigators are charged with? This of course is a metaphor using the word "murder", albeit just barely. Perhaps "murder" of the environment along with premature human sickness and death will someday be considered murder.
RAC are a bunch of woefully uninformed representatives of multiple levels of government as well as government agencies. They include Woolwich Township, Region of Waterloo, province of Ontario (M.O.E.), GRCA, Lanxess (Chemtura) plus a couple of TAG reps. TAG are mostly a bunch of well meaning and honest citizens with a couple of wolves in sheep's clothing thrown in to the mix as a payoff by Sandy for helping on her last election campaign. They were far more effective with their original Chair Dr. Richard Jackson who resigned after only twelve months at the helm. Possibly he did not wish to have his name and reputation sullied by what he clearly saw as a flawed process (and available personnel) that could not achieve the goals necessary. He did express confidence in the talents and efforts of Neil Thompson of the University of Waterloo in regards to his work on a Conceptual Site Model. He also expressed confidence in his replacement as TAG Chair, Ms. Tiffany Svensson.
The next RAC meeting is scheduled for September 2018. As long as they are content to sit back and let Lanxess and GHD run the show to their advantage and interests then it matters not whether they meet or not. This is especially so as the better informed public are denied the ability to ask them questions or point out fallacies and inaccuracies in their plans. TAG are scheduled to meet next OCTOBER unless they are able to get folks out for a tentative July meeting. These prolonged gaps between meetings simply work to the advantage of all the guilty parties as they condition the new TAG members to many months between meetings and the subsequent loss of continuity etc.. Even we old hands lose focus and find it more difficult to stay up to date when we are having to review all issues over and over again just to get back up to speed for the next meeting three to six months later.
Then let's talk about Minutes. Has anybody seen them from the March and April meetings? I'll recheck my files but I don't think they're out yet. If so the only Minutes to date are in reality my postings here the morning after these meetings. Exactly how well do you think members of RAC and TAG remember meetings if they don't see and read the Minutes for either weeks or God help us months afterwards? It's not by accident folks. It's intentional.
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