Tuesday, May 24, 2011


This is the ongoing gravel pit on Middlebrook Rd. near West Montrose that appeared to be having the least problems with neighbours. Despite that the Township's Planning Department were attempting to include two conditions for draft approval. These were the disputed (by the province) vertical zoning as well as a sunset clause for final closing of the pit. Again this condition seems to be more of a problem with the province (M.N.R.) than with the local operator.

The good news is that other bones of contention have been settled including Saturday operation and berms and fencing. I am of two opinions on these issues. Firstly I hate to see a business with a good operating record having to jump through hoops and loops but on the other hand there are many more gravel pit out there which desperately need more control over them including the vertical zoning and sunset clauses. The vertical zoning basically means above or below the water table. This has always been solely the province's domain versus that of the local municipality. Perhaps if the Ministry of Natural Resources (M.N.R.) ie the province had a better record for monitoring and enforcement, there would be less incentive for the municipality to get involved in this issue.

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