Saturday, January 22, 2011


This is the monthly, optimistically titled "Progress Report" produced by Conestoga Rovers (CRA) on behalf of Chemtura. For the second month in a row, offsite pumping wells W3 & W4 are pumping well below their required modelled rates in order to allegedly achieve a cleanup of the Elmira Aquifer by 2028. For those of us who don't believe that this is possible even when they achieve their own pumping rate targets, then clearly the situation merely deteriorates further when they can't achieve even that. The Effluent Objectives of the combined groundwater collection and treatment system were exceeded by NMOR (nitrosomorpholine) and 1,1 dichloroethane. Hence these chemicals were found in the discharge to Canagagigue creek. Similarily NMOR and BEHP (bis ethylhexyl phthalate) were found above surface water Objectives directly in the Canagagigue Creek. The only surprising item to me is CRA's inability to hide these discharge failures better. The on-site pumping rates were better than the off-site and hence the limited on-site containment they are designed to accomplish was met. I am confident that the day will come when Elmira will be the showplace for Hydraulic Containment. This will be ground zero for all the other contaminated sites across Canada. Here I hope is where the failure of this technology as a permanent fix will finally be written in stone. Thank You Chemtura and Conestoga Rovers.

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