Monday, October 7, 2024


This is an only slightly tongue in cheek rendition of Lanxess's  upcoming plans to emerge relatively unscathed from their potential public relations nightmare. Keep in mind that the corporate world have long embraced the strategy of "managing" the crisis versus actually solving the problem.  Crisis resolution companies have sprung up specifically to fill this market niche required by naughty companies who have been caught red handed in less than stellar behaviour.

So Lanxess purchased a dirty polluting company who have made a mess of the local, natural environment be it the ground water, surface water, air, soils and sediments.  Obviously Lanxess bought it expecting to make a profit which meant that they needed guarantees up front from the alleged regulator the MECP whose job has transitioned from ordering appropriate cleanups to maintaining smooth operating conditions for new owners who will invest only a tiny amount of their profits back into "cleanup". Hence the MECP do not shut down even the dirtiest of polluters as long as they get at least a nominal public respect from them and a minimal financial input giving the appearance that they give a sh*&. They do not and neither does the MECP. 

The MECP will write yet another Control Order or whatever fancy, new name they have for it. It will have strong language insisting upon the sanctity of the natural environment and all living things within it including yappy, complaining human beings.  They will privately tell Lanxess which paragraphs are for public show and which ones are at least half serious. Keep in mind this whole charade of regulator versus polluter is for public consumption only. Lanxess will flex their financial muscles and tell the Ontario MECP where to go privately if the MECP get out of line by Lanxess's determination.  The where to go will be to court where Lanxess will spend the MECP rapidly into submission.

The whole process is a serious effort at good public relations. Neither governments nor their masters want the public to understand who is really in charge. Sure as hell it isn't the monkees that we send to council tables, legislatures or parliament. Again they are there for show and to support the whole scam. It was decided long ago that industrial pollution was simply the price to pay for entrepreneurs to risk their money producing marketable goods. They should not also have to encompass serious environmental costs just to make citizens and residents happy. Afterall why are specific provincial and federal politicians supported and paid for both over and under the table if not for them to produce results acceptable to industrial corporations. Those results include weak environmental laws with lots of loopholes and tricky wording. They also include strong government endorsements alleging environmental compliance and honesty where none exists.  


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