Saturday, January 27, 2024


 I had thought for some time that the various schemes, constructs and deceptions by Lanxess/GHD were both clever and subtle. In fact they are no such thing. They don't have to be. They are blatant and in some cases downright stupid but that's not a problem when you have all the powerful "stakeholders" on the same side. No need for trickiness when even some of the "experts" on TAG are already toeing the line. In fact all you really have to fool are the laypersons, the uninformed citizens and the naive.  Oh and by the way if you have already removed the informed and serious citizens (CPAC) from the mix then really who is going to stand in your way? Exactly nobody. Lord knows the media won't stick their neck out (libel chill) and call a spade a spade and a liar an liar. Even if they have an expert source willing to publicly lambaste Chemtura, CRA and the Ministry of Environment such as Dr. Richard Jackson did (Sept. 2015-Dec. 2016), our local media ignored him. The idiots.

 Look carefully at the two major investigations upon which Lanxess/GHD are relying namely the 2017 and the 2020 Soil & Sediment Canagagigue Investigations. In the first one (2017) .creekbank soil and sediment samples  were taken from Reaches 4 (upstream) down to Reach 1 starting by the Grand River and ending at Northfield Dr. Less of course Reach 2 from Northfield Dr. until just prior to the New Jerusalem Rd. bridge. Reach 2 did not have any creekbank soil or sediment samples taken from the bottom of the Creek.

Then examine the 2020 Creek Investigation. In that one Reach 1 from Northfield Dr. downstream past Jigs Hollow Rd. to the discharge of the Canagagigue Creek into the Grand River was untested for both creekbank soils and sediments. 

Now that's not subtle at all. That's stacking the deck in favour of the polluter's preferred outcome which is  lots of higher concentrations of DDT and dioxins/furans all closer to home and cheaper and easier to remove from both Reaches 4 (Lanxess) and 3 immediately below the company's location. Junk science, psuedo science, and in your face nonsensical locational sampling biases. Isn't pollution a simple fix!

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