Monday, August 23, 2021


I posted here last Thursday regarding the pathetic off-site groundwater pumping and treating that took place last month (July). The specific wells which did not meet their Target Pumping rates were W3R, W5A and W9. The on site pumping rates achieved their listed Target Pumping rates although it must be noted that at one time, Chemtura's authorized spokesperson Jeff Merriman, claimed that on-site pumping rates would be at 6 litres per second. That has NOT occurred and in fact the current Target rate is only 4.7 litres per second. ............................................................................................................. Of interest to me are the very high concentrations of contaminants being found in relatively new pumping well W8 located just off Union St. beside the former Yara (Nutrite) plant. The actual pumping rate is very small although this may reflect how thin the aquifer is at that point. Thin but higly contaminated with benzene (58.9 ppb), chlorobenzene (3050 ppb), and NDMA (54.26 ppb). .................................................................................................................. Attachment B is a number of graphs showing concentrations of contaminants in Lanxess's Storm Water Outfalls. Now these outfalls do indeed take stormwater from on-site into the creek however there is also a certain amount of groundwater penetration into these sewers hence products no longer used on site such as Lindane nevertheless end up discharging into the creek (the "Gig"). Over time some of the contaminants have decreased whereas others have not. Ammonia is decreasing in Outfall 0400 but increasing in Outfall 0800. Aniline and Lindane are decreasing in the Storm Water Sewer (SWS) wheras Conductivity is increasing in SWS, 0200 and 0400. ............................................................................................................................... Surface Water contaminants in Attachment C continue to mystify as eight of them are actually higher allegedly upstream (SS-110) versus two of them (toluene, lindane) are higher as expected, downstream. The higher (arithmetic mean) upstream contaminants are m/p cresol, o-cresol, NMOR, 2,4-D, benzene, chlorobenzene, TCE, and xylenes. Either there are additional upstream sources (likely) or the amounts of Uniroyal Chemical toxic wastes dumped in the Bolender Landfill are greater than stated (likely). It's hard to feel sorry for the various owners of this contaminated site as it slowly continues to discharge its poisons free of charge into the natural environment likely for many more decades.

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