Thursday, April 16, 2020


It takes a lot to shock me after three decades plus of research and study into the greed, stupidity, and dishonesty of some politicians, bureaucrats and government employees. That said I am shocked. As very bad as the soil and groundwater contamination from the former IMICO site on Beverley St. was and is, it gets so much worse. IMICO is located north of the community encompassing Hayes, Kingsmill, Menzie, Audrey, and Lawrence Ave. in Guelph, Ontario. Would you believe that not only were the neighbours subjected to that but also the City of Guelph had three different landfill sites located between the Eramosa River and that same community? These three landfills possibly known as Sites 4A, 4B and 4C were located on the north side of the Eramosa River from approximately Wyndam St. eastwards to Victoria Rd. That is an incredibly long distance and the contents of the landfills included both organics (i.e. food waste) as well as industrial wastes. What is unusual is the admission of industrial wastes as most landfill operators/owners, after the fact, prefer to deny any industrial wastes in their landfills as they are often (usually?) toxic. Up here in Elmira, our brain trust local authorities prefer to constantly minimize their past stupid and polluting decisions to constantly accommodate self-appointed big shots including Uniroyal Chemical.

It seems that these landfills that were investigated as recently as 2012 have accepted both municipal wastes as well as plastics, metals, slag (iron ore or steel?), rubber, glass, fly ash, porcelain, wire, fiberglass and much more. Gee I wonder where fiberglass may have come from? Same thing with iron ore slag? Anybody know any foundrys near by (say IMICO)? Also of course are PCBs, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and of course petroleum hydrocarbons especially the F3 fraction which coincidentally is the same fraction that I wrote here about yesterday from IMICO.

Once again I am left to wonder. These landfills supposedly operated from 1935 until 1958. These homes have been located nearby for a very long time. Did anybody (municipal officials, realtors etc.) ever tell the prospective buyers exactly who/what their neighbours were? Have any health studies been done? Why hasn't indoor air testing been done decades ago?

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