Friday, February 16, 2018


Yesterday's Woolwich Observer carries the following story titled "Telling the story of Elmira's contaminated water crisis". It is about a new Documentary by Videographers Bonita Wagler and Michael Heitmann. This Documentary has been in process for close to five years and has entailed ongoing interviews and attendance at public CPAC (Chemtura Public Advisory Committee) meetings as well as RAC and TAG meetings (Remediation Advisory Committee & Technical Advisory Group). Michael and Bonita have worked very hard to give all stakeholders input into their Documentary unlike Chemtura (Lanxess), the Ministry of Environment and Woolwich Council; all who have made that claim while discriminating against the current CPAC membership including myself.

Allegedly Lanxess are upset with footage from interviews done with their now retired employee, Jeff Merriman. Jeff was the spokesperson for Crompton, Chemtura and Lanxess for decades. As typical he presented in the Documentary a very positive view of his employers over the entire time period. In fact I find it difficult to believe that Jeff is their problem. My suspicion is that they just don't like the fact that all the other stakeholders also get to speak in this Documentary, including those with little love for the company.

This has been the history of this company from day one. They intentionally, wilfully and negligently dumped hazardous wastes into and around the Canagagigue Creek for decades and they did it to save expenses on proper toxic waste treatment. But that wasn't good enough. When the obviously predictable results ensued, then they wanted to be treated with deference and respect because afterall they have money and its' accompanying status and power. Twice they abandoned publicly meeting with CPAC because the Woolwich citizens involved had the temerity to criticize their environmental behaviour or lack thereof.

The history of this company and the harm they have done environmentally can never be fully undone. Unhealthy and in fact lethal air, soil, ground and surface water damage is their legacy. Wildlife and human beings have suffered and died simply to enhance their profits. As far as I'm concerned, Uniroyal and their descendants can go to hell.

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