Thursday, September 21, 2017


I have recently expressed my disappointment in the Woolwich Observer here in the Advocate. Therefore it is only fair to also express my respect and admiration when they do the right thing and do it pretty well. O.K. so today's Editorial isn't perfect but it's a major step forward. And the cartoon....! I love the cartoon by Scott Arnold. It shows a younger, mustachied and slimmer me confronting a GHD consultant. Not bad.

I have long enjoyed reading Steve Kannon's Editorials and Opinions. He has no idea of how much we share ideologically. I am sure that there are some readers who appreciate the Observer's news coverage while totally disliking Steve's position on politics, corporatism, world events, police states etc.. It is because of this respect for Steve that I continue, despite my disappointment over the Observer's lack of Chemtura/Lanxess coverage, to always give him a copy of my Delegation to Council just prior to the meeting.

I did this as well Tuesday evening. Steve's copy as well as Council's was fourteen pages in length. Two of those pages were my written Delegation and the rest were individual pages mostly from Conestoga Rovers (CRA) reports of 1998, 2007 and 2009. Also included were exerpts from text and borehole logs regarding the subsurface soils in Bolender Park. Lastly was a map showing groundwater monitoring wells in and around Bolender Park including NDMA readings in those wells.

Here's where I will slightly criticize Steve's Editorial. Steve (and Council) have the proverbial smoking gun in writing. GHD, who now own CRA, are both full of hot air and much worse. They have blatantly lied, deceived and misrepresented the truth in their September 14, 2017 review of my August 22/17 Delegation to Council. Their review is part of the Agenda package from last Tuesday (possibly pg. 45-58). The pages from CRA's 1998 and 2007 reports help prove that GHD lied in their report to Council last Tuesday.

The most obvious deception is GHD's claim that the methane gas collection system was "operating" from 1983 or 1984 until 2015 when it was decommissioned. Such utter bullshit and CRA's reports clearly state that the system was not working and should be abandoned both in 1998 and 2007. Further evidence indicates problems as early as 1986, only two years after the system started up. Steve should have unequivocally so stated. He did not.

Ask yourselves why Woolwich Council hired GHD to review THEMSELVES. How ridiculous and asinine is that? GHD own CRA. Woolwich Council literally hired the fox to investigate the thefts of chickens from the chicken coop.

I can appreciate Dan Kennally of Woolwich staff being put between a rock and a hard place. He either follows Council's wishes or he may as well start polishing up his resume right now. Whether it's quite that raw with Steve Kannon I don't know. I do know that half the ownership of the Woolwich Observer are on Woolwich Council. Woolwich Council are in full denial and lying mode regarding the Bolender Park Landfill . Reasons for that are not totally opaque. Woolwich Township built the methane gas collection system back in 1984. Woolwich Township installed an additional gas probe (GP1-95) in 1995 without any holes to allow gas to enter, according to CRA. Were all the old gas probes as well as the newer ones installed incompetently by the Township or just most of them? Who all exactly were involved with this incompetence from the beginning? Could there be a personal connection with a current Council member? Why are Council lying and covering up instead of fixing this mess in the Bolender Park Landfill? So much could be done now to accurately understand the seriousness of the problem. A start would be by drilling boreholes and determining honestly and accurately, the real boundaries of the landfill versus the "approximate" ones they've been working with for thirty-four years.

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