Monday, December 12, 2016


Numerous witnesses have been contacted and resulting documentation has been sent to the out of town, conflict of interest prosecutor. His deadline for this information is this coming Friday. That will give him several days to fully understand the fact that there is concrete professional evidence of serious contraventions of the MEA (Municipal Elections Act) by Councillor Scott Hahn as stated in the August 11/15 Forensic Audit produced by Froese Forensic Partners. It will also allow him to realize that this is by no means a one man show. Numerous Woolwich citizens have been involved with examining these contraventions of the MEA and furthermore been shocked by the stickhandling and improper behaviour displayed both by individuals, private citizens and a number of our local politicians and Woolwich Staff. This to me speaks loudly in regards to "public interest". Allowing Mr. Hahn's egregious and multiple contraventions to slide by without proper accountability is serious enough. Allowing the process of MECAC and legal accountability to be subverted and or circumvented via either tricks, gamesmanship, politicking or outright illegal behaviour is reprehensible and must be addressed. Keep in mind that while the Forensic Audit unequivocally called out the many contraventions of the MEA, the Auditors were somewhat subtle in regards to alleged illegal behaviour designed to mask, cover up or justify some of these contraventions.

To my mind the production of receipts and invoices late in the day that absolutely could not be verified through appropriate paper trails was stunning. The Auditor pursued them via computer records at the corporate end as well as through private bank accounts at the individuals' end. There simply was no proper and appropriate records of this documentation which is another offence (section #69) in it's own right. If the courts were to determine that these receipts or invoices were produced long after the fact and were produced for improper and or self-serving purposes; then this case could become more serious. It is also possible that the courts might have some words of censure for MECAC who refused to send on the Scott Hahn case to the courts. Myself and others believe that MECAC overstepped their authority as well as failed in their duty to follow the intent of the MEA. The actual public announcement of the prosecutor's decision to proceed with these charges or not will be on January 25, 2017 9 am. at Provincial Offences Court, 77 Queen St. Courtroom #101, Kitchener, Ontario.

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