Thursday, February 4, 2016


While the Minutes of the last MECAC (Compliance Audit Committee) meeting posted on the Township's website conveniently don't show it; Chair Carl Zehr specifically asked mayor Shantz if there were ANY minor or major election expenses left that she had not declared. Mayor Shantz responded "Absolutely not". Similarily last July Justice David Broad of Superior Court reinstated Sandy Shantz to the mayor's position, CONDITIONALLY. The conditions included her filing a "full and complete" Financial Statement. She filed this Financial Statement on August 20, 2015. It did not include the following expenses.

Mayor Shantz declared $1,500 expenses for her campaign website and received a receipt for that. Later after I raised questions about her campaign videos, her cousin Councillor Larry Shantz produced a letter stating that the $1,500 included as well a total of twelve campaign videos produced at twelve different locations on twelve different days. Larry was the owner of a commercial Web design company which produced both the campaign website and the twelve videos. I have recently received quotes for producing short videos and they were between $200-$400 each or $2,400-$4,800 for all twelve. Somewhat to my surprise the quote for the campaign website was to my mind very modest, namely $200. Using the lowest $200 value for each video ($200x12) gives $2,400 plus $200 for the website and mayor Shantz should have declared a MINIMUM of $2,600 not $1,500. Keep in mind discounted prices (ie.donations) need to be declared both as donations (Contributions) as well as Expenses at their full value.

Back on January 5, 2016 I posted here that I had recently found undeclared expenses and sent them on to the prosecuter in Kitchener. As the court date was the next day I decided not to give the details out publicly immediately before court. Now is a more appropriate time. Mayor Shantz hired a four piece commercial band to play at her victory party held at the Elmira Curling Club. While she declared a total of $396 for her victory party, that only covered the facility rental and alcoholic drinks. Initially there were no food costs although months later she has suggested that there were plates of donated food. Meanwhile the local, well known professional band were not expensed which is yet another contravention of the Municipal Elections Act. I have received a number of suggested rates for a commercial four person band ranging generally from $400 to $800 for the evening. Many of you may recall the photograph of former mayor Bill Strauss dancing with mayor-elect Shantz at that party on the front page of the Woolwich Observer. In the background are members of the band. Therefore again using the MINIMUM rate of $400, this expense was not declared by mayor Shantz over the course of four Financial Statements, two MECAC hearings and one Superior Court hearing. As per the preceding paragraph it is irrelevant whether or not the band charged full price ($400-$800) or gave the mayor a discounted price (donation).

To date the issue has not been the absolute total of her expenses as they so far appear to still be below the maximum permitted. The issue is her refusal to voluntarily declare all her legitimate and proper election expenses. The rules are not in place for everybody but her, nor are they mere suggestions. Also it is not up to a citizen to have to ferret out all these undeclared expenses. The Municipal Elections Act (MEA) is very clear. A reasonable belief by a citizen that a candidate has committed but a single contravention of the MEA is grounds for the Municipal Elections Compliance Audit Committee (MECAC) to order a forensic audit. Then a professional auditor with the authority of the MEA behind him can investigate in depth including examination of bank accounts, interviewing witnesses etc.. Woolwich citizens you have been snowballed yet again. Sorry Sandy but that in itself is a form of corruption. Including MECAC's contribution only makes it worse.

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