Thursday, January 14, 2016


Today's post is primarily concerning the just posted (yesterday) approved MECAC Minutes from October 26, 2015. The title regarding Woolwich can also be further substantiated by the astounding developments Tuesday night in Breslau regarding the rejection of the Mayor's and Council's plan to sell parkland to the Catholic School Board. It seems that things might not have been appropriate regarding staff behaviour over the last two or three years.

The abysmally inaccurate and biased Draft MECAC Minutes were posted on the Woolwich website for a month. They were finally removed last Friday. This past Monday I posted here a number of the more blatant errors and falsehoods. The Approved Minutes replaced them late yesterday morning. I must say firstly that I am in awe. Secondly thank you to MECAC for having approved this second set of minimally improved but nevertheless still incompetent, biased and dishonest Minutes. Your approval MECAC seals your fate as being nothing more than lazy, incompetent bums whose purpose appears to be protecting equally lazy and stupid politicians from the accountability demanded by the Municipal Elections Act. Two signatures are on the Aproved Minutes and they are those of Clerk Val Hummel and MECAC Chair Carl Zehr.

David Brenneman (CAO) has refused to send this party to the MECAC hearing of October 26/15, a copy of the tape recording of that meeting. My expectation is that MECAC also didn't receive one based upon their approval of it. The errors, falsehoods and biased comments/interpretations begin on page one, become worse on page two and reach a crescendo on page three. Mind you the comments attributed to Larry Aberle on page four are stinkers as well. Page five and six wind down apparently satisfied with the previous four pages of disaster.

These Minutes are incoherent and inconsistent within themselves (especially pg. 2 & 3) as well as still having a couple of grammatical or typographical errors in them. The real treat is the inherent bias expressed in the Minutes. It matches the inherent bias of MECAC that they possibly in their woeful ignorance were not even aware of during their questioning both of myself and then mayor Shantz. She was lobbed softball questions while the MECAC members did their best to throw me off with ridiculous, irrelevant and just plain stupid questions. Similar to last Monday I will be writing a detailed report on the specific lies, misrepresentations and overall bias expressed in these Minutes.

Tomorrow I may cover last night's TAG meeting. Dick Jackson was informative and expressive last evening as usual with the M.O.E. appropriately taking the brunt of his comments.

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